keep reading with a 7 day trial
I’m going to guess that this is about how the animation takes Orwell’s “communism are just as bad as capitalism” and changes it to “Communists are actually worse, we need the farmer back!”
keep reading with a 7 day trial
I’m going to guess that this is about how the animation takes Orwell’s “communism are just as bad as capitalism” and changes it to “Communists are actually worse, we need the farmer back!”
Declaring martial law at 19% popularity and accusing anyone right of Mussolini of being communists, just classical South Korean things.
IMO they’ve got a better shot at getting it built with this attempt, particularly because China has an economic incentive to assist, and has been slowly running HSR through indochina for a decade now, but have had blocked by lib parties who don’t believe in spending on non-car infrastructure, but I’d be more optimistic if they were already laying rail for the Kunming-Lao Cai or Nanning-Dong Dang legs. It’s harder to stop a project when the smallest portions are already showing economic and social benefits.
A pretty obvious indicator of bot behavior is that they’ll repost old comments from reposted threads to generate a fake history.
Reddit’s admins don’t do anything about it because it creates the appearance of activity, and presumably they get some kind of kickback for not doing anything about US govt astroturfing.
Silver linings and all.
Alcohol condenses too
I mean there’s the “migrant overflow facilities” that have about 40,000 people in them right now.
I just have a fear I might mess up somehow and start a fire or something
It takes some effort to start a fire. Most oils flash points are >600 F, which you might get a pan to to sear a steak, but to heat a pan of oil for deepfrying or something to >600 F, which would be a dangerous situation, requires you to continue heating it after it started billowing smoke between ~350F and ~525.
In any case, if you manage to have an oil fire, say by spilling some on the burner, just let it burn out if it’s a small amount or turn off the heat and throw a towel over it if it’s like a cup’s worth.
Minor burns aren’t uncommon when you’re learning, but that’s just a very quick way to learn “wrap the handle of the cast iron you just took out of the oven with a towel so you don’t grab it like a moron” or “use tongs to place things on hot oil so it doesn’t splatter on your hand”
They had a garbage new media strategy too, they spent a million dollars on a set for a podcast that didn’t break a million views (Joe Rogan’s Trump episode had 37M last I checked). They paid Oprah 6M for her appearance.
God knows what the Cheneys were charging for their appearances.
But in any case, the root of the problem was their platform; there is no way even the most talented campaign surrogate can dress up “We’re gonna close the border, be tougher on crime, and give tax breaks to small businesses. We will remain Israel’s closest ally” in a way that increases the democrat’s votes.
Where do you see frequent trash cans and people regularly throwing trash out in the street?
Typically trash in the street means you don’t have enough trash cans, or a bunch of youth or homeless people whom society is failing.
From the things I saw about the US election, the Dems were the side with plans for the economy - minimum wage adjustments, unions, taxing the rich, etc
The dems are in power now, they didn’t do those things, so nobody believed they’d actually do it if they were elected again.
Additionally, parading around endorsements from Dick and Liz Cheney, and promising to build a border wall, tax breaks for small businesses, and other republican policies from 2016 didn’t help the perception that the dems weren’t going to help people.
You’re not understanding, the arms and money we send Ukraine enables them to continue the war. Last year, Russia offered a peace deal, giving up a portion of the territory they occupied at the time. Ukraine declined and says they won’t settle for less than all their territory, including Crimea. Without the weapons, they’d be forced to agree to a deal. Given that Russia probably knows they can’t deal with the insurgency outside of Russian-speaking Ukraine, they’ll probably agree to borders similar to what exists now.
China would have wanted Taiwan regardless
I mean the Republic of China is a part of China, it’s eventual reunification is inevitable, but they obviously see that reunification by invasion would be very expensive, both in cost of the invasion, cost of the insurgency, and resulting sanctions from their third-biggest trading partner. The only case where they’d waste billions of dollars and hundreds of thousand of lives is if the US made that option better than the alternative.
The same calculation happened with Russia; after the maidan coup, the civil war on their border caused them to strategic infrastructure and terrorist attacks. They erroneously calculated the cost of having a hostile, NATO-backed state on the border would be greater than a quick invasion and replacing the US puppet with another Russian one.
You need to look closer to understand what pressures cause countries to do things, these places aren’t cartoons who just decide to self-destruct their economies and send an entire generation into a meat grinder because aUTHoriTariaNism.
We’ve already sent troops to help Israel in Palestine, remember that aid pier that Israel used to do warcrimes, and now there’s troops operating aircraft and a missile defense system to prevent anyone from interfering with Israel’s genocide.
help out Russia in Ukraine
Just not sending weapons and money should be enough to get Ukraine back to the peace table and stop the bloodshed.
help out China in Taiwan
Ironically if we didn’t try to use Taiwan for geopolitical goals, China would have no reason to invade, since a peaceful reintegration over time is far more advantageous than the destruction and insurgency that comes with a military option.
the USA is now going to join WW3 on the side of the bad guys
What do you mean “join”?
The evil empire that militarily supports dictators across the global south to prevent economic development and keep cheap labor and resources flowing out are the bad guys, this hasn’t and will not change short of a revolution or the empire’s control collapsing.
I’ve never seen someone haul a whiteboard into a coffee shop.
It’s kinda crazy that 3 nuclear armed countries have periodic armed skirmishes.
It makes it pretty clear how insanely unfeasible a ground invasion of Iran would be even with the most optimistic assumptions.
1.3 million just for the occupation of an 88 million pop country, and that number just comes from other occupations, without taking into consideration the terrain or people or last 50 years of preparation for asymmetrical warfare.
If anyone wants, here’s an extremely optimistic 2009 Brookings Institute white paper on how various hostile actions against Iran would play out based off numbers and history.
Chapter 3 analyses a “boots on the ground” invasion (the occupation would require a draft), Chapters 4-6 analyze American and Israeli airstrikes. Neither of them expect Iran to employ masses of drones or close the strait, and they consider ballistic missiles against US assets unlikely.
While they have an extreme western bias, there’s no way you can twist the numbers to look good.
Yeah no, you’re not wrong, cow milk is just another type of milk, there is no one “real” milk, animal or plant based.
It might be less weird in other contexts, but the in the context of our current farming practices, the fact that it needs to be pasteurized due to the likely presence of dangerous pathogens and has bio-available hormones, is weird as fuck.
Nah, it’s older than that, watch Deathwish 2 and tell American boomers weren’t itching for an excuse to murder teenagers.