IT years are similar to dog years, an IT year is multiple normal human years, so 14 IT years is certainly IT decades.
algernon nods sagely
IT years are similar to dog years, an IT year is multiple normal human years, so 14 IT years is certainly IT decades.
algernon nods sagely
Sadly, that’s not code Linus wrote. Nor one he merged. (It’s from git, copied from rsync, committed by Junio)
There are no bugs. Just happy little accidental features.
It’s about 5 times longer than previous releases were maintained for, and is an experiment. If there’s a need for a longer term support branch, there will be one. It’s pointless to start maintaining an 5+ year branch with 0 users and a handful of volunteers, none of whom are paid for doing the maintenance.
So yes, in that context, 15 months is long.
There’s a very important difference between what you can do with a thing, and what the thing was intended for, and what it is best at doing.
So then a Game Boy is a PC, and so is the SNES, and the SEGA Genesis. Cool, cool, makes perfect sense.
Myself, I think the wikipedia definition is far better than yours.
Yes, it can run all that. You may have to jump through a few hoops (just like in the case of the Steam Deck, just different hoops), but it can run all that.
I’ll also turn your question back to you: how many people use the Steam Deck for productivity, rather than for gaming, which is its intended purpose? And does it matter?
Like it or not, the steam deck is a gaming console, even if you can run non-game stuff on it too. Heck, even stuff like the Game Boy had (official!) accessories like the Game Boy Camera and Game Boy Printer, which were both useful outside of gaming. Does that stop the Game Boy from being a (retro) gaming console? There’s an ongoing project to provide productivity apps for the Game Boy (though, arguably, it did not ship yet, but you can extend the game boy with a cartridge in whatever way you can imagine).
Or, you can use your SNES as a MIDI Synthesizer (! No modding or anything necessary, it’s just a regular cartridge. Can it be used for fun? Yes. Is it a game? No. You can do a lot of stuff with an SNES cartridge that has nothing to do with gaming. There was even a cartridge that let you play online games on the SNES ( - but not only games, it also let you read and write messages to other people. You didn’t need to go into “desktop mode”, nor install a browser, nor do anything special. You plugged in the cartridge, and it worked. It was far less locked down than the XBox or even the Steam Deck! Does that disqualify the SNES (or the game boy) from being a gaming console?
I disagree. It’s a gaming console. It is marketed as such. It’s primary purpose is to run games. By the way, you can browse on the Xbox. And because it has a full-blown browser, you can even use Office365 if you attach a keyboard and a mouse. So lets disqualify that too? :)
Aren’t all consoles like that, though? They all run mainstream operating systems, and are basically locked down PCs in a fancy box. If anything, the Steam Deck is further from a PC than an XBox/PS, due to being handheld, with an embedded screen and controller, while XBox and its friends require a display and an external controller (like a PC).
Steam Deck, because it is handheld, and can run a lot of my Steam games. I can also dock it to a big screen and attach a controller.
The single best thing I like about Zed is how they unironically put up a video on their homepage where they take a perfectly fine function, and butcher it with irrelevant features using CoPilot, and in the process:
And that’s supposed to be a feature. I wonder how they’d feel if someone sent them a pull request done in a similar manner, resulting in similarly bad code.
I think I’ll remain firmly in the “if FPS is an important metric in your editor, you’re doing something wrong” camp, and will also steer clear of anything that hypes up the plagiarism parrots as something that’d be a net win.
I think I can pinpoint the exact date things went sideways. It was a dark day on Monday, October 1, 2012.
Oh, sure, of course, my apologies. I hope my repeated utterances of the word will not summon Raku.
…fuck, I said it out loud.
Perl is what the Great Old Ones are afraid of, for It is so vast and powerful that even a Great Old One cannot comprehend Its true power.
There are worse things out there than Great Old Ones. You might invoke Perl by accident.
I don’t use the builtin bookmarks. I use Readeck (and Wallabag before it) to save stuff for later. Lets me tag them, has good search, and even archives what I save. Comfortable to use on phone, too.
Does require selfhosting it, though.