If you have money to invest, you aren’t struggling to survive.
If you have money to invest, you aren’t struggling to survive.
I don’t disagree with you that slave labor is bad regardless of who, what, where, how. I disagree, however, that there’s not much difference between purchasing products you need and investing in a business.
Some folks can’t afford anything except cheap clothing/household goods from overseas, where they are often made in sweatshops with slave and/or child labor; it’s not their fault that they can’t afford to purchase ethical products. No one needs to invest in a business, though, so choosing to invest in one that deals in slavery is that investor’s fault.
For those of us who can afford ethically-sourced/made items, though, I agree that it’s quite similar. I have no excuses other than people are, as a whole, not good to each other. :(
Anyone voluntarily participating in the US for-profit prison system is, almost assuredly, a problematic person with questionable morals.
It’s literally making money off of slavery. If you would not be proud to call yourself a slave-owner, I’d hope you would also not be proud to invest in slavery.
Royal “you,” by the way. Not OP, specifically.
So…did you draw her like one of your French pups?also, she’s adorable!
Seconding everything here, but emphasizing point 2. Some folks have metal allergies or sensitivities - nickel is a common one, for example.
Surgical steel is usually safe, but still best to confirm she doesn’t have any particular sensitivities.
The only time I saw one was on a cheap dollar store plug. I immediately thought it was defective.
This is neat info!
For invisibility? All the dust.
It’ll be a while, since the parts would need to be made in the US if they’re going to be president.
It’s entirely unsurprising that searching “Worcester Massachusetts police lawsuit” brings up tons of stories - most of which aren’t this one. Pigs gonna pattern.
Given that I also aged in the interim, I prefer his current look. He’s a silver fox.
I haven’t laughed that hard in a while. I’m grateful that he’s back to give us a way to laugh through the bullshit and motivate us to keep fighting.
I was planning on eating you, but you just talked yourself out of it. I’m on a strict righteous anger diet.
Would explain some prominent sores on some very tiny hands, too.
I don’t disagree; I was just using the verbiage from the Florida statute.
I don’t even understand how this could qualify for felony murder (which is what I’m assuming they’re going for; the article only somewhat talked about the charges), since it was natural causes and not homicide. Sure, you’ve got an argument for the first element of resisting an officer with violence, but the second element isn’t met; no one was killed.
Fucking bass ackwards Florida.
I’m shocked that 43% of their respondents have such high regard and trust for cops, but the downward trend is becoming more rapid.
Why waste the resources sending perfectly good stew meat into the sun?
Worst case scenario, they feed the pigs.
Short answer is that it is always much easier to (successfully) sue a private party than a government entity. Also probably to deter the private companies from participating in human trafficking.
Yep, exactly. Those of us who prove their talking point of “Israel represents all Jews” wrong are inconvenient for them.
If supporting genocide is what it takes to not be an enemy of Israel, then yeah - I guess this Jew is an enemy of the Jewish state. 🙄 Gotta say, I’m not offended. I’d much rather be an enemy of genocide.
Yeah, these look like three different people. Mugshot doesn’t look like the gunman, but does kinda resemble the taxi passenger. I’m not convinced this is the guy.