@DangerousInternet what browsers are you referring to, the only chromium based browser that I know blocks ads without an extension is brave. apart from the rest need extensions and the major ones (chrome, edge etc) plan to end manifest v2 support
Fighting the surveillance capitalist project.
All things open-source and commie
@DangerousInternet what browsers are you referring to, the only chromium based browser that I know blocks ads without an extension is brave. apart from the rest need extensions and the major ones (chrome, edge etc) plan to end manifest v2 support
@DangerousInternet @vrighter not with manifest v3 rolling out though. I can still block every ad and block ad blocker blockers meanwhile my chromium friends seem to be crippled in this regard.
@deweydecibel @Yoz don’t blame the consumers people have busy lives and don’t have the time or interest to spend their limited free time learning privacy or avoiding a certain company because of an obscure privacy reason they don’t understand.
this is why market pressure is essentially bullshit. If more aggressive action is taken towards these companies instead of just blindly believing in the free market we might actually make an impact.
we have the free time let’s use it to hurt them
@DangerousInternet vivaldi is closed source though, brave I’ve found in my expirrence to be slow however do use their mobile browser. Fact is though V3 will become more prevalent as support for v2 drops from google it turns into a ticking time bomb. Overall relying on chromium is a ticking time bomb with all of googles web DRM bulshit.
Idk i just find chromium browsers to be slower and fear the all chrome future