Uh, I don’t have anything against America as a whole, but saying y’all don’t like irrational things rings pretty fucking false in my ears atm.
It only took 90 years until the majority apparently forgot 1935-1945 completely.
Uh, I don’t have anything against America as a whole, but saying y’all don’t like irrational things rings pretty fucking false in my ears atm.
It only took 90 years until the majority apparently forgot 1935-1945 completely.
I agree completely. I could see an argument for one instance that is shown globally via screens or whatnot as each year passes, but other than that it is such an enormous amount of unnecessary wastage.
That was an interesting read, thank you.
Definitely, who knows what those degenerates are into during the winter months.
Jokes aside, my mother tongue is Swedish but I was born in Finland. I’ve lived in both countries and speak both languages and I prefer Finland by far. Swedes are just… all up in your business all the time. In Finland privacy is preferred, mostly.
It’s pretty widely accepted that whatever happens over in the US has ramifications all over the world. My tribe, so to speak, are Swedish speaking Finns, and we’re a very small minority in a country that functions better than most.
It sort of gives one a perspective. The Finns are liberal in some things sure, but very conservative in many ways. We’ll never legalize weed for example, but we also won’t touch abortion rights because that’s just common sense.
That said, in the US my voting pattern would be extreme left sure, because that’s just normal over here. Sadly people are afraid and vote right because immigration, but that’ll stop once everyone realises it doesn’t work, since we still depend on immigration to get jobs filled. Everyone knows it, they just don’t want to say it out loud.
And when the climate really hits us, the clowns will probably be gone anyway. It’s the last gasp we’re seeing right now. Enjoy it while you can.
I agree with you, for the most part this has been my experience as well.
I don’t have anything in particular against dwarves as such, but why would I like them?
I can’t stand most metal, especially the death/black/whatever subgenres. Symphonic maybe once in a decade or so.
Better conversations, and less echo chambers in general. I know exactly who’ll disagree with that notion too, but that has been my experience.
The right-wingers that did come over are obviously butthurt to hell since they can’t abuse the report function and get backed by obviously biased mods like they do on Reddit. It’s easier to simply ignore them here, as well, even though they’re around as always.
Hell, half the comments in this very thread seem to be bitching about “Marxism” like it’s something that anyone gives half a shit about in today’s world. They need their bubble, and they seem to be angry they didn’t get this one, too.
Also people are generally more tech-savvy here than there, for obvious reasons. That’s a plus.
A Finn signing in. What are we discussing?
Russia is bombing no less indiscriminately than Israel, it’s just a much larger theater of war, their aiming capabilities suck and their shit gets shot down a lot before ever reaching anything.
They do the exact same thing day in day out. Taking out a cluster of civilians is probably worth an extra ration of vodka or even worse, a promotion, at this point.
Two wars of terror, if you want. Irony is stone cold dead at this point.
I’d wager that’s where he got the sentence from, or something similar, because he’s never read mein kampf. It’s not an easy book to read, and he certainly isn’t a reader by any means.
That said, someone could be spoonfeeding these little nuggets to the dumbass.
Fair enough, I didn’t know he was taken off suicide watch. Makes one wonder why, though. It’s not like his circumstances changed.
But we’ll likely never know anyway, so I don’t quite understand why you’re getting so much flack for shit that is ultimately academic at this point. Don’t get me wrong, as I think his victims deserve to know as much as possible, but at this point we’re getting into Jimmy Hoffa territory with this shit.
I agree with you on the papers (been following that story since it broke), and I’ll agree that I probably would’ve offed myself in his position as well, but there were some pretty unprobable shit happening around his death unless I’ve been misled hard. I mean the guy was on suicide watch, wasn’t he? It’s at the very least suspect as hell that it happened like it did.
That typo made me chuckle way harder than it should’ve, too.
I’m glad we agree, and to be fair you were completely right; my original post wasn’t as clear as it could’ve been.
They might, but from my point of view human rights are a given in every situation. I also feel strongly about every human being holding the same value regardless of their standing in society.
I thought we were discussing what could be done to curb nazism, and again, I didn’t mention any sort of violence anywhere. I thought it was clear that I meant that Nazis shouldn’t have rights to do harm to others, or do other hateful things. I was in no way advocating removing their human rights.
I obviously meant they shouldn’t have any rights to practice their nazism or do harmful things to whomever they dislike so much, not that they shouldn’t have any human rights.
I feel like this should’ve been fairly obvious given the context of the conversation. Human rights should always be the first concern no matter who it concerns. Do you think nazis feel the same way?
No, I was saying Nazis have a history of death and destruction, while people leaning towards democracy tend to be a little more gentle with their fellow man.
Nobody deserves to be beaten or raped and I certainly didn’t imply that.
He didn’t say we should just say gas them to death (like they’d do to some of us in a heartbeat), he just pointed out they deserve no right to be aggressive against minorities.
I see no issue there. If they want to be decent citizens there’s an easy solution to that; stop being a nazi.
Edit: I otherwise agree with your comment, as they probably need some deprogramming to actually achieve said solution.
I’ve read some stupid ass backwards shit before but what the actual fuck are you going on about?