That’s where Google Chrome got its name, AFAIK.
That’s where Google Chrome got its name, AFAIK.
I’m looking for the opposite on the Android version. It goes against the default behavior when your last interaction with the bar was a search. I always end up doing “old searchnew search” and it drives me crazy
Mastodon is mentioned a little lower.
I mean, it doesn’t necessarily mean the app is dead, maybe it’s just still working as intended?
Looks like there are just more translations in the gitlab history, but no new releases since 2021.
Looks like it hasn’t been updated in 3 years. Is it still maintained?
I would imagine anything more than session info would be stored to LocalStorage, then promptly sent to the server.
However, please keep in mind that this is a pre-release version not intended for production use as it may lead to data loss.
… “Production”? “Data loss”? It’s a browser.
Obligatory “that’s not POV”.
Ha, it was never my ambition.
I make only static sites and avoid having any overhead. Just Eleventy for building and some minimal vanilla JS where needed.
Honestly, SMS in signal turned out problematic for me. One of my contacts had uninstalled Signal, yet any SMSs I sent him would default to Signal messages and were never delivered.
My main issue with a non-native solution is that you need use userchrome hacks to make the horizontal tabs bar disappear, which doesn’t sync between installations. I use Firefox in multiple computers at the school I work at, so it isn’t a viable solution.
I’ve downvoted it on articles where political bias is completely irrelevant.
Because a prof showed them on the first class. But in any case, if logo designers are the only ones to notice, the logo fails its purpose.
It always pissed me off that they use this as an example of white space use. No one sees it.
On Eternity, OP’s spoiler tag works and yours doesn’t.