Can we please elect our representatives based on merit and not headlines pointing toward them being in a minority?
You’re not posting to play Devil’s advocate in a civil discussion. You’re trolling. You’re being disingenuous, at best. We can see your past post history.
I feel bad for the child that was born to such idiotic parents.
Beginning July 1, unions serving Utah teachers, firefighters, police officers, transit workers and other public employees will be banned from negotiating on their behalf for better wages and working conditions.
In other words, Utah is looking forward to a shortage of teachers, firefighters, and police officers.
How is posting a picture of two men kissing considered homophobic? Wouldn’t being offended by it be homophobic?
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The irony here is amazing. You’re requesting a community where people agree with you because you have a realistic view of the world.
Did you ever stop and think that you’re the common denominator and maybe, just maybe, your world view is the one that’s wrong?
While we have a presidential cabinet doing their best to get rid of any department maintaining these viruses. . . I’m not blaming them for the outbreak, but I will blame them when it becomes a frequent issue across the country again.