Thanks for that. I’ll move this up the list.
Thanks for that. I’ll move this up the list.
I’ve been flip flopping between JavaScript vs python and landed on JavaScript as it has some libraries I’d like to experiment with.
I’ve written a few lines of python code but just basic training stuff. Hopefully there are some transferable skills from learning JavaScript.
Thank you for the reply.
I’ll do just that. Thanks for the reply!
Ahh yes, I should maybe have posted this somewhere else now I think about it.
For me, I find the barriers to entry are quite high but if you can get a good training vid that covers the building blocks then it’s easy to learn more.
School would be a good place for that initial learning.
If they don’t win then they can’t pay it back. If anything it gives an incentive to lend them more.
The Iron Bank.
“a troubled, oil-rich former British colony with a history of political violence”
I also have this thought every few days. I’ll bring the irradiated nachos!
Kier Elizabeth Starmer
This cover just reminded me of an early 2000s trend to Photoshop this cover.
I just tried a couple of old sights and they’re dead.
Does anyone have any old websites to recommend?
I want to go back and visit the old web.
For anyone who doesn’t think this is a problem, watch this video and join this campaign.
The Crew represent a real chance to change things globally (seriously, watch the video).
I’m new to programming and still in training. Is there a replacement competitor site for stack overflow that people use?