I lived there in the mid 90s and even more time when visiting my father who lived there.
I lived there in the mid 90s and even more time when visiting my father who lived there.
This guy Ybors. Can confirm, grew up in Tampa and lived in Ybor for a couple of years. I remember when downtown Ybor started trying to be more family friendly. I also remember being able to tell when that coffee roaster burnt a batch, you could smell that from miles away.
Cuban sandwiches and cafe con leche.
They haven’t been for quite a long time now.
It’s not that easy to steer clear of. I’ve bought a couple of books on other topics from Amazon and realized when they arrived that they weren’t worth the cost of the paper they were printed on. It’s easy enough to notice it’s bullshit, it’s harder to avoid spending money and time on them in the first place.
I don’t believe that for a second. Some specific apps are only on one platform or the other but every app has a ton of alternatives that do the exact same thing.
I’m not sure if you are trolling, shilling, astroturfing, whatnot but either way that argument is disingenuous at best.
That wasn’t an attack on you specifically. Most people don’t need to know nor care if they can unlock the bootloader. We need some kind of federal mandate/law/whatever that says that they have to be unlocked and people can do what they want with the $1k+ devices they buy. It’s not even a question with a pc, you can even buy prebuilt systems with no OS or with linux installed if you choose.
This is why I have been a so called Google fanboy/super fan for what feels like a couple of decades. First nexus and now pixel because I’m guaranteed to be able to install whatever flavor of android exists for whatever phone I am using (if I so choose), I haven’t played with roms in years but it’s an option if I feel like it and I’m considering doing it for my work phone, get that shit running as lean as possible, no need for 99% of the Google apps that come with it.
But, that wasn’t your only choice for a device. Android runs on basically anything and you have plenty of options for devices that let you do what you want with it.
Basically, the bootloader being locked is a manufacturer problem and not an android problem. Buy a different phone, smartphones have fully matured at this point. Grab a pixel 7 or 7 pro for a couple of hundred bucks and make that device your biotch.
This is why I never had anything more than an original ipod classic. Android let’s you do whatever the fuck you want with your own device. Don’t like having Google all over your phone? You can install roms with no Google services and use other app stores.
This is the sad truth. His followers will keep sending him money regardless of what he has done or gets convicted of. It will only stop when his entire organization is shut down and everyone around him is either in jail or banned from raising funds like this.
I don’t think that’s what they are talking about. Police forces used to have walking beats and the officers on those beats knew the entire neighborhood. The presence of authority tends to slow down some forms of crime.
Damn son. That’s not how that works and not what I am talking about.
It’s not the theft for need that is shutting these stores down. It’s the theft rings that pay people pennies on the dollar to steal shit because that is easier than getting a real job. These goods are then resold on the “black market” or used to make drugs like meth.
You claim you did it to survive. I don’t actually believe that you stole anything more than someones hat and you are definitely extremely naive to the world around you.
Did you grow up in a convent?
I said nothing about it being a job prospect.
Go touch some grass and learn how the world actually works, then get back to us.
They also had to define what woke was in court. Nothing has changed. Nothing will change. They would happily join a cult and kill their first born if it meant owning the libs. It’s really sad as well as a sign of the mental health and education issues in this country.
That’s not what a dystopia is. It sounds like you need to read up on it a bit more.
At least two things are at play here.
Personal shoppers but they steal instead of paying for it
Items like tide detergent getting stolen and resold.
Who is downvoting this?
Certain items are being stolen to be resold. This isn’t about someone stealing food to feed their kids or unable to afford tampons or pads. Name brand dish detergent and other stuff gets stolen and then resold as the “fell off a truck” at a discount. There are also people who steal on demand, basically personal shoppers but they don’t pay for it.
I have no idea what the answer is but the comments here that say they hope everything is stolen from wmt, tgt, etc shows unfathomable ignorance as to what happens when stores close and not only do people lose their jobs, the area becomes a food desert if that was the only place to shop for those without reliable transportation.
That’s not how that works. Torrent has been around for decades and none of that actually happens. None of that will ever happen and couldn’t actually be enforced even if it did.
I’m not sure some of you here actually understand how this tech or the world at large actually functions. Plenty of files are shared p2p that aren’t under copyright and it would be damn near impossible to limit people’s ability to connect p2p with others without fundamentally changing how the entire internet is connected and functions.
I’d suggest you look up concepts like zero knowledge encryption. I’d also suggest you look at VPN providers that claim to not keep any logs at all along with proper encryption. I’d also suggest that you look into the number of jurisdictions around the world who don’t give a flying fuck about the dmca.
Actually, no. Even if they trace it back to the provider, if said provider is running little to zero logs and proper encryption, there is no way for the provider to know who is doing the downloading of anything.
It’s also not the movie/game companies doing anything. There are companies that monitor p2p for specific files for TV shows, movies, games, etc and then automatically send a boilerplate cease and desist to whoever owns any ip addresses for said files. Some isps like Google fiber (at one point) just ignored these requests and didn’t pass it on to the end user. Every other isp including VPSs, seedboxes, etc will autoforward the dmca notice and if you rack up enough they will fire you as a customer.
I suggest you and others here check out proton, they have a ton of servers including ones that support p2p. They don’t and can’t tell who is transferring what. If you do a ton of downloading of pirated content, I’d also suggest setting up even a basic seedbox. The one I am currently using takes crypto and doesn’t need any info aside from an email address. They will forward dmca notices and the auto delete the offending content after about 12 hours but if you restart the torrent you can download it again if needed and you can then let it seed for as long as you want.
Plus, if the VPN is setup right, they can’t know exactly what you are downloading or what you are accessing.
It’s a distraction to keep their followers from questioning their lack of actual governance. Once this fad of hate passes it will be another group.
I’d watch this reboot.