Which instance is still accepting signups?
If you fail to achieve the desired results, change your tact.
Or maybe just leave other people the fuck alone to live their lives in peace.
The inheritance can be put into a special needs trust, to be used for the benefit of the child.
Well, the Democrats don’t have an entire media echo-system in place - multiple tv ‘news’ channels, a coast-to-coast network of local conservative radio propagandists, an entire chain of ever-so-slightly-increasingly-radicalized YouTube “hosts” leading from self-improvement and self-appreciation through to denigration and hatred of others - turns out, the easiest way for the alt-right to make someone feel better about themselves is for them to tell their acolytes that they’re great and that someone else is beneath them - doesn’t matter if the ‘other’ are blacks or women or Jews or Muslims or LGBTQ or Hispanics or immigrants or whatever. Just know that “those people” are beneath you, it’s okay to physically, legally, emotionally, and socially attack them whenever you feel like it to ‘remind them of their place’ (especially if you think they might be inclined to overstep it), and everything will be fine …
if they see a smashed window, that’s an obvious sign that the cabin is not secured for takeoff
We also have subcutaneous birth control that doesn’t get rejected.
When you say “the Dual-eligibles are likely the first on the chopping block”, do you keep people with dual nationalities, or people who are eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid?
OP, make sure to get your thyroid levels checked, that can also lead to lethargy and depression.
Reminder that Ben Stein was a member of the Nixon White House. So was Diane Sawyer.
Can you pick it up and deliver it to the new office in person?
When that happens, it’s usually because the sound being broadcast doesn’t match your tv’s sound setup. The easiest thing to do is to switch it to mono. You don’t get the nice stereo effects, but at least you can hear everything without being blasted out of your seat.
Elden Ring, Stardew Valley.
“One of the biggest functions of blocking is giving women the ability to stop weird men from constantly making them uncomfortable and scared,” one user wrote. “So of course Elon had to change that.”
Given how he constantly tries to insert himself and his opinions into everything he sees, it’s clear he has no idea about how consent works, nor why people don’t want him in their lives.
Oh, that’s really cool!
And the droplets can still be infectious after they fall, so wash your hands after touching anything as well.
And wash your hands after leaving the area as well, because some of those droplets will have landed on your hands.
If you use a public bathroom to wash your hands, assume the sick person was in there earlier and touched the faucets, soap dispenser, towel dispenser, and door handle: get towels first (plus one extra), get the soap on one hand, then turn on the water and wash your hands. Dry your hands and turn the water off with the paper towel, then use the spare paper towel to open the door.
Ah, okay. It’s a Polish language server, so I won’t join it. I do miss kbin, though!
Thanks for the info, though - I do appreciate it :)