The only substantive aid it delivered, was aid Israel in the massacre of Palestinians. Team America at it again.
The only substantive aid it delivered, was aid Israel in the massacre of Palestinians. Team America at it again.
I was more stating what I think will happen rather than wat we should be doing.
In terms of pure physics it is ofc easier to turn off the metaphorical tap, but in terms of power and politics we seem unable to transition to renewables. And I’m afraid once we switch on the geo-engineering button we still won’t transition. Only once oil is priced out of the market completely, be it fusion or abundant solar and wind (with energy storage), will we make the transition. But again I might be too pessimistic.
Fusion would solve a lot, but even if we invent room-temperature superconductors today, it would still take so much time to roll fusion out on a big scale and replace oil infrastructure with electric infrastructure.
I tend to be very pessimistic about climate change, but I hope I’m wrong.
If it was possible I would put quite some money on that geo engineering (like stratospheric aerosol injection) will be seriously discussed on a UN level within ten years. Climate change seems only to speed up and co2 emissions are still rising. At one point there is simply no alternative.
To quote Not Just Bikes: “the USA wasn’t built for cars, it was destroyed for cars”
Most cities in the US were walkable and public transport oriented, but in the fifties all livable neighborhoods and city centers were bulldozed to make place for parking lots and arterial roads.
Without US support Israel would cease to exist within a year, so the US can do whatever it pleases. Second, the investigation does not need to be performed by a military but can also be done by neutral observers.
I’m not a fan of American foreign policy at all, but following the European news lately I don’t know if our governments can be trusted without the US providing security.
I fear that the moment European nations need to be serious about their own defense they become way less trustful of their neighbors, creating all the incentives for an arms race. Especially with the current crop of nationalist politicians it’s not hard to imagine a serious cool down in the relationship between a France and a Germany lead by Le Pen and the AFD (in a coalition government or not). In such a world it’s suddenly way less pleasant to be a smaller nation that can not seriously compete with Germany or France.
I really hope I’m wrong and that we truly learned the lesson from the second word war, but I think not needing to provide our own security plays at least a role in the relative peace within the EU member states.
If it looks like a duck, swims like a duck, and quacks like a duck; it is not a duck.
Hey America, ruin our economy further you c*nts, it’s really appreciated.
Kind regards, The Netherlands
Oh no!
I forgot the name of the specific tactic, but basically what the Bush administration did was leak unsourced information to the NYT and then after the NYT published it, the Bush administration used the NYT as source for the unproven claim. They did this multiple times. The NYT was knowingly used to launder lies that led to hundreds of thousands of deaths. And they are doing it again.
Think of how many Palestinians have been brutalized as a result of these heinous accusations. The fact that they canceled the Daily episode about this piece indicates that they knew something was fishy. The NYT is complicit.
And finally does it matter if they are either comically inept, or criminally evil. It has the same effect on the world and there should be consequences for their actions.
You can not make this shit up. Jesus fucking Christ what a world.
It was a rhetorical question, but yes, April 12: dragged out of embassy, November 19: Sweden drops charges. And soon thereafter America suddenly says they would like to extradite him to the US even though they denied this for years while Assange was in the embassy.
Luckily political dissidents don’t need to fear for their life/freedom in the west, ow wait.
Btw what is up with those rape charges, or did Sweden conveniently drop them the moment Assange was pulled from that embassy?
To erectile this function
It looks like your code could use some BlueChew™️
Yeah let’s not reflect or even think about the fact that Germanys economy has possibly been torpedoed with the go-ahead from, or directly by, its biggest ally.
What about tripling the penalty for driving over a toddler?
The Mueller report specifically concludes that they could not find evidence of collusion. It did find clear evidence of Russia trying to influence the election in favor of Trump, but no collusion from the Trump campaign with Russia in this effort. Given what we know about the general competency of Trump and his campaign how likely would it be that he was capable of hiding collusion from the full force of the FBI?
A public education crisis for some is a private education opportunity for others.