If your predecessor beat the guy by using platform A, it stands to reason that a pretty safe campaign strategy is to not deviate from platform A very much.
If your predecessor beat the guy by using platform A, it stands to reason that a pretty safe campaign strategy is to not deviate from platform A very much.
They have a separate channel for tech news. They also have a several hours long podcast style show on Fridays that focus on recapping the week’s tech news.
They also write and shoot videos weeks ahead of publication. Day and date news just isn’t the focus of the main LTT channel.
I’m a moron when I’m stoned but a little bit makes my brain slow the fuck down enough that I can actually concentrate on things and get them done.
I did not care for dune.
I’m interested in the movie and plan to watch it eventually but I have no desire to ever enter a movie theater again. The experience just sucks compared to home. Sorry Hollywood.
I got one of these calls last week. I told them for $10m they could have it. We haggle for a bit but they weren’t willing to even meet me half way.
I don’t like Kevin Costner.
It was seven years ago. Unless he was talking to a ten year old, they’re not a minor anymore.
Looks like Prey 2016 with a bit of Mirrors Edge. I’m definitely more interested now than I was before. I never played the original Perfect Dark games so I don’t really have any expectations.
The US has so much red on its ledger it will never be balanced. And there are plenty of apologists for atrocities in our history. They’re just as bad as the Chinese or Russian (or pick whatever country you want because they’re all guilty to some extent) when they do it.
Denying historical events and refusing to come to terms with their causes and repercussions is not a left or right problem.
You can be as communist as you want but pretending that events with photographic evidence didn’t actually happen put you in the same category as moon landing deniers in my book.
Not every movie has to be about deep things, but if you make it about nothing then don’t be surprised when people collectively say “meh” and ignore your movie.
I honestly can’t tell if you are pro or anti time zones from this comment.
I’ve done the tape thing before. It was a little bit of a pain but not that hard.
That’s why you run a couple rounds of preclear to stress them and then run a fresh smart report.
Its a Tim Burton movie in 2024. Underwhelming will be the best we can expect.
The law needs to change. Artistic works that are written off for tax purposes must revert to the public domain permanently and immediately.
Sure? I’ve never seen it so… Sure.
Twister is almost 30 years old so it kind of makes sense to remake it for a new generation. The script is pretty much perfect. All they need to do is update the cgi and don’t fuck with it too much.
What do you mean? Trump won decisively. Electoral, popular, in the senate, etc…
You’re really asking, “how does a minority continue to exist in the face of a fascist majority?”
The answer is, generally, they don’t.