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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • an engineer, their word may be trusted enough

    That’s what happens here. This person was a Professional Engineer, a kind of certified engineer. Their job is to determine if stuff is safe for use.

    Things like roads, bridges, pressure vessels, and apartment buildings all have a Professional Engineer (PE) look over their designs at some point. Their job is to use their expertise to determine if the thing can do it’s job safely.

    Existing structures are also periodically inspected by PEs. Like the above person, they determine if the thing can continue to do its job safely.

    Unlike other engineers (in the USA), PEs have to attain a certification. You need to take an exam and maintain a license. It takes a lot of time and effort to obtain these things.

    Shouldn’t the inspector be working off existing plans rather than being able to declare any structural element as decorative?

    As someone else mentioned, the building is old enough that the initial plans likely no longer exist.

    It’s the job of the PE to make judgment calls like “is this column structural or decorative”. This person fucked that up. Losing their license and ability to practice would be a fitting punishment.

    When PEs fuck up, lots of people can die.

  • We have an inequality problem masking as a gun problem. We have a mental health crisis masking as gun problem.

    Hard agree. People would not be killing themselves in droves if these issues weren’t present.

    We have a shitload of guns in this country. Nothing is going to change that.

    While I think we do need more strict gun ownership laws, they’re not going to change the amount already in people’s hands. Nor will they make people less miserable.

    What we need are tangible improvements in people’s lives. Improved wages. Lower housing costs. Affordable healthcare. Quality, free treatment for addiction.

    These are the things that will keep people from killing themselves.

  • It’s very tempting to shamash that button. Intelligence is lionized. It’s high praise to call someone a genius. I’d probably wait on any button pushing until I’m old enough to have some cognitive decline.

    I’m no genius. I’m a bit above average intelligence. And I have to say, I’m not sure it’s done much to improve my overall happiness.

    Like many gifts, it’s a double-edged sword. Having a higher capacity for language, problem solving, and memorization has done a lot to ostracize me for my peers over the years.