Thanks for the article! This is a great one to save and share with people I know, it is informative but a quick and easy read so won’t be so overwhelming and can share with anyone.
Thanks for the article! This is a great one to save and share with people I know, it is informative but a quick and easy read so won’t be so overwhelming and can share with anyone.
… I’m imaging the natural extreme conclusion to this. There are 16 sequels to masseffect and you need to research which games you need to play before you play the newest one. This also leads to conflicting cannon and infighting
Wanna know some evil shit?
Knew a kid who had siblings all close in age. Their Parents didn’t want for money at all, but still bought only one gameboy to share between the siblings. That’s just stupidity on the parents’ part, to the point of total lack of self preservation!
IE they introduced something to cause conflict instead of spreading it out and causing peace for everyone.
Thank you!
I have zero context this graph is confusing af but also says so much
I just don’t know how to translate it lul
…and then your friend and family don’t care about those either 🙃
gestures to everything else I mean… we are fucking drowning in situations to care about.
Ah, so that is the tiny nugget of reality they took and twisted for political gain.
Ridiculous to putting this into law, and speaks volumes to the real motives.
🙂capitalism is fun guys🙃
Damn right it is 🤘
Dude it’s plainly obvious, at least in my lived experience trying to reach 40. The Republicans I know who “became” republican all either
I am not saying this as a dig, and I am not saying all Republicans etc etc just the people who weren’t and then CHANGED THEIR MIND.
What a glorious headline!
Men getting credit for women’s accomplishments is the plot of barbie? I thought it was about how expectations and rules for gender identity and roles hurts everyone. That then expands on how women specifically feel a unique pressure to be an impossible ideal of everything all at once.
It only works if they can maintain cognitive dissonance. Can’t brag about reality.
Guess they can’t really brag about where they actually focus energy: stonewalling any and all progress and poisoning the public’s opinion and trust of “the Other”, whatever the target may be.
He has a prescription for ket, but people never abuse their prescriptions.
And no this isn’t about being anti drug it’s the harm and potential for more harm that it is causing others. That’s when personal freedoms generally go out the window. Liberals are pretty consistent with that despite you trying to pretend it’s arbitrary.
It also serves as a potential explanation for his truly insane behavior
Let me put it this way, When there was a shortage on that important computer chip that all cars need now days, cars were more expensive. So dealerships tried to inflate the price even more and push terrible financial choices. One straight up said “we can charge whatever we want” when I pointed out the multi-thousand difference from the same brand new vehicle online.
I think it is more like what you say is technically true, but human nature and greed leads to it happening to a more artificial degree, and at an accelerated rate. And the thing is, prices don’t really go back down unless it was something where the price fluctuated anyway such as produce and oil.
And now it’s so far gone that doing the bare minimum for the environment is great for their image so let’s dump more money into advertising that than actually making a meaningful change.
It’s a local news site that just states the facts. California citizens already are aware they pay for it at the counter.
Nothing about this is sensationalized
And it’s somehow +2 armour and +1 stealth???