Holy shit. You and I must be living the same life because it has literally been the same experience.
Its exhausting to a point.
Holy shit. You and I must be living the same life because it has literally been the same experience.
Its exhausting to a point.
Its easier to just walk through security and pretend to be a TSA agent.
Homicides went up in WA state. Interesting, I thought they had the strongest gun control measures in the nation.
I love when they start talking about non-sports topics and typically throw in a fake fact, misnomer, stereotypes, misconceptions.
My favorite being “Oh, I heard airplanes cant take off when its too hot because the wheels will melt on the runway.”
Probably easier to get those in CA that a gun right now.
You are so cool. There are a lot of people who have absolutely no business ever owning a gun and the less in hands of uneducated, untrained and ignorant individuals the better.
They probably have better benefits and work-life balance than most employers.
Honey, I was reviewing the new interns pull request. She was having a real hard time. We kept pushing and pulling until we eventually found ourselves getting that commit all over the codebase. Needless to say it won’t happen again, it was a one night standing review.
These cruise cars have been driving themselves before AI became a buzzword. Try again.
What if there was any other vehicle stalled there? Wouldn’t it have been the same situation?
Also would be great if we had dedicated zones for autonomous vehicles that are clear of any obstacles, confusion or situations that even a normal driver could get stuck in.
Sounds like a shitty way to get data.
Must be nice living amongst celebrities that would literally rebuild an entire town to its original glory.
Meamwhile in Seattle, the home of billionairemakers the place could burn down over night and we’d see sleeping bags for sale from Amazon and Microsoft would offer you a month of free bing then Boeing would giveaway free flights on a faulty jet to Spokane.
Huh, I guess lemmy and reddit do have something in common.
So not only are employees getting raped by 401Ks and HSAs but a 3rd time with this new Emergency Savings Account. Why the fuck dont they just pay us more?
Trumps vision: “Golden showers everywhere!”
If that happens then my grandchildren will be living in nearly the identical series events my grandmother escaped from.
We have learned nothing from our past mistakes.
Oh perfect, that booster should be in most arms of those who actively vaccinate by the time this wave ends.
But he offset his global footprint by donating to an organization ran by his friend and paid the media to silence any mention of it.
I mean here’s 3 paragraphs about how hes helping and us plebian meateaters are the problem.
I just bought one. Dont care if it goes towards his defense, its fucking hilarious.
Maybe it was the jewish lazor defense system that twitter had as a top result for over 24hrs before the hospital explosion.