You can’t sleep with them because you have to work while they sleep and they work when you sleep if it’s 12 on 12 off
You can’t sleep with them because you have to work while they sleep and they work when you sleep if it’s 12 on 12 off
Ooops, I was only thinking about my own personal circumstances as a young adult who is single and new to full time employment.
I don’t care because there’s no real difference between 8h and 10h. Your whole day is basically gone either way. I don’t care if I’m working 8h or 12h. That extra 4 hours doesn’t make a difference. I’d rather have full days to set personal life goals and enjoy life than have to squeeze it in after work.
If you don’t mind me asking what industry? Sounds like security?
It would be cool seeing the same guy at the start and end of the day for 4 days straight, and them seeing you. The overlap from arriving a few minutes early would make for an interesting comradery.
I’d work 2x 12 hour days and 1x 14 hour day. Heck, I’d work 2x 19 hour days. Or work 38 hours straight in one shift?
If I’m unconscious indoors in a safe place then leave me alone I’ll wake up eventually
How do you input a video into ChatGPT though. Could just do the transcript but a brief description to ChatGPT won’t allow it to grasp the context enough.
It’s a duck walking on reflective water no one tells me otherwise