I browse lemmy in these orders:
Communities I subscribed, sort by new.
Active All, I’ve blocked a few meme communities so I don’t see them much.
Top 6 hours All.
Top 1 hour All.
I browse lemmy in these orders:
Communities I subscribed, sort by new.
Active All, I’ve blocked a few meme communities so I don’t see them much.
Top 6 hours All.
Top 1 hour All.
some sort of dashboard with monitoring and statuses of all my services
See if Uptime Kuma suits your needs.
Are there any major no-no things a newbie might do with Docker/selfhosting that I should avoid?
Allow password based SSH authentication, you should look into key based authentication
I wanted to have it behind a domain, how would I achieve it?
Use a reverse proxy (like caddy) which serves different content based on domain name.
I think “Feeling good” is in this category.
You might not need it but it’s a very small image (3.5MB for multi-arch iso) so why not?
Official wiki page that lists AP with Wifi AX support
(Some devices that lists “Snapshot” might be supported by 23.05 currently in release candidate phase)
If I remember correctly you can plug in phone line to RJ45, this stackovwerflow question lists some caveats.
Or use something like KeePassXC that uses a database file, no internet required (other than downloading software).
I can confirm Connect for Lemmy (Android) can search in post and comments.
I am using ZSH, that function that allows you to type part of the command and then do UP key to find previous command starts with same prefix is killer function for me.
(I don’t know if this function is added by oh-my-zsh or not.)