“We can disagree and still be friends” only works (and then it is a good sign of political culture) when both sides agree to respect each other as equal citizens and acknowledge to have the same rights. The “friend” relationship is generally perceived as an equal one - in this case it is implied, but might (depending on the context entirely) be anything but that.
I don’t know where the pic from OP comes from, but I think it’s a pretty clever caption.
Tell me in so many words how broken the American system is. I mostly agree, just want to emphasize the root problem is the legality of the business practice. The core question remains, sure. The more important questions are imo why is this legal and how can it be changed. The very basics should be that the system doesn’t proliferate practices that inevitably pose such “greater good scenarios”, these should only arise with illegal practices in the first place. Also: the notion of a greater good scenario implies that anything changes - I don’t see anything meaningful changing as of yet. They changed the visibility of leadership on websites ffs . This is so sad.
The core question is simple enough, rule of law needs to be upheld regardless. I just hope the person never gets caught.