From Toronto. Formerly Badwhetter from Reddit. Facts over Dogma. ExTankie

  • 14 Posts
Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: September 28th, 2024


  • Yeah it’s too obvious to be the truth, right? /s

    You know whataboutism is invoked when there isn’t any intelligence response to the truth. The new NeoLiberal construct, to deflect the truth. You’re a Nazi supporter. Unfortunately, we have many out west in Canada from the Ukrainian diaspora that came here during the Cold War. They had to be fervent anti-communists to be allowed in. Unfortunately for the rest of Canada, there are many Stepan Bandera monuments out west, wanna talk about that? Stepan Bandera was a Nazi, That’s a fact.


    At least you’re intelligent to realize what the NAFOs are up to. They’re terrified of the truth and trot out the same smear every time. They have no reasonable response to the lies of a very disturbed leader of Ukraine. I wonder if any of these NAFOs even bothered to watch — probably not. Too many inconvenient truths. LOL What a buch of losers they are.

  • Oh USAid was an intelligence cutout 100%, they only did a token amount of good to make their legend plausible. The bulk was spent on NGOs to create “civil society” groups to invoke street demonstrations leading to (hopefully regime change). None of the colour revolutions and attempts, (think Hong Kong, Arab Spring etc.) were organic in nature — All were artificial. Numerous examples. Moreover, another thing to come out is all the bioweapon labs the US has installed in the eastern Baltic’s including Ukraine. The Wuhan outbreak is simply the tip of the iceberg. Unfortunately.