It’s just the most common way ppl get it. If you eat lots of carbs, you can develop it. It’s not a drastic change, but 10 years of rice, bread, pasta, etc will catch up with you. Get checked out by a doc to rule out glands and hormones as well.
It’s just the most common way ppl get it. If you eat lots of carbs, you can develop it. It’s not a drastic change, but 10 years of rice, bread, pasta, etc will catch up with you. Get checked out by a doc to rule out glands and hormones as well.
You should go to your doctor so they’ll run some tests. It could be something medical and not just your diet and exercise. Plus you’ll get a baseline to compare later.
Write down what you actually eat in a day and look up roughly how many calories it is in total. You can search ‘chicken calories’ and there are websites that will tell you how many in say 100g of chicken breast or thigh. You can use those sites to look up calories for each food item. Sometimes we don’t realize how much we actually eat. Or It could be a gland or hormonal problem which again needs medical attention.
If you’re eating high carb, you can be building visceral fat. beer is just fermented bread. If you’ve been eating high carb, cut down to 100g of carbs per day or less. For me just cutting out the rice and making sure I had some sauce, salsa, etc to make sure the dish isn’t dry worked for me. I tried to stay closer to 50g of carbs per day, but unless you want to be a robot and eat the same dishes for 6 to 12 months, use it more as a guide line than a hard rule.
Since your lowering your carbs, you can raise your protein and fat to feel full. No rice, bread, pasta will make your plate looks sad and empty. Fill it with veggies. I always sautee my veggies.
As you lower your visceral fat, you’ll sleep better, which lowers your stress, which lowers your accumulation of visceral fat, which makes you sleep better, in a positive feed back loop which will give you energy and you can start taking walks. Which adds more positive feed back…
TL;DR go to your doc. Eat more protein and veg. very little rice, pasta, bread. Try it for a month and see if you feel better
They might have visceral fat. it’s that hard belly. it’s from high carb, usually heavy drinkers. they could be skinny and look 4 or 5 months pregnant.
Cousin of my wife was in a serious relationship with a JW. I told her it was basically a cult, will isolate you from your fam, and make you dress and behave a certain way( wife said she already changed her dress style to what he wanted). Two years later we get invited to the wedding. No music or booze, we split after eating and congratulating the couple. I haven’t heard mention or news from them. Parents never talk about it so I assume the worst.
Hope they keep the kid away!
Being fat in hot climates is miserable. Had to take a shower after going to get the mail in the summer. In the mid 40s(5-8C?) and I’d be going around in a long sleeve shirt. By the time I should start to get cold, my body’s warmed up or I’m in a conditioned place.
Archbishop Fisichella also unveiled the official mascot of the Holy Year 2025: “Luce” (Italian for light), a cartoon pilgrim dressed in a yellow raincoat, mud-stained boots, wearing a missionary cross and holding a pilgrim’s staff. Luce’s glowing eyes feature the shape of scallop shells, a traditional symbol of pilgrimage and hope.
The mascot, he said, was inspired by the church’s desire “to live even within the pop culture so beloved by our youth.”
Source :the dialog
Seems they’re trying evangelize the kids and are going to where they are. Gives me Buddy Christ vibes to be honest.
Richard Jenni on jaws 2. Starts around 2 minutes
If he did, he’d sacrifice himself as a lib SC would find him not immune. I’d do it.
Some where, there’s a guy in a basement getting a handshake and plaque.
I remember reading a post where the she’s explaining her bisexuality to her grandma and grandma goes, “oh everyone has those feeling. I had feelings for one of my girl friends when i was a teenager.” She then had to explain that no not everyone has those feelings.
Israeli military states hamas submarines where using the trawler’s wake to pass through the blockade. After repeated calls for the trawler to stop, hamas submarines fired torpedos and hit the trawler. Due to the proximity of the submarines to the trawler, the submarines where also destroyed. One of the errant hamas torpedoes hit a hospital in northern Gaza. There were no survivors.
Wasn’t trump firing a bunch of higher up and placing toadies trying to get the government to back him?
The LGBTQ+ community should start talking this up; Getting professionally trained to defend themselves and other minorities; setup defensive positions, drone support, etc. It would absolutely scare the fuck out of the MAGAts picturing fit AF people in drag with perfect eye shadow, carrying ARs, flying a flag with a brick.
I remember going to my aunt’s home where they had a chicken coup. I asked why the chickens where so skinny, thinking the poor chickens weren’t being fed enough. My dad said this is a normal chicken not those super fat chickens made for their meat. So I looked into it and saw how chickens were treated and problems with their sizes. Truly eye opening.
I wonder if the bounce back is the body trying to find homeostasis… of sorts. I’ve gone hiking for a week and come back having lost 10 lbs. A month later I’ve gained it back. I know it’s your diet, but gaining it that fast can’t be normal.
-Conan covered in sauce and 4 shades redder
Me too Conan, me too.
Good, don’t forget about Estonia and Latvia you fuck.
I work with psych patients. It’s mostly to screen if they need to be in/out patient, new prescription, or whatever they need. Our hospital mostly gets people that have detention orders (judge orders them to get help at the facility) which means they can’t leave until they’ve been evaluated by a therapist and a plan to help them is setup. Sometimes it’s people that either chose to stop taking the meds for whatever reason or ran out of their prescription and can’t afford to get more and get brought in for their behavior. There’s patients that come in every 4 or 5 months because their prescriptions only last 90 days.
The scrubs allow patients to have clean clothes that we know don’t have anything they can use to hurt themselves or others. Some patients haven’t slept, eaten, showered in days. Giving them a shower, clean clothes, and food helps a lot.
I had a patient that while anxious and going through somethings, was talking to me, venting, occasional jokes, etc. Calm and polite the whole time. Out of nowhere, they ran towards another patients room, but only got half a meter in. They squared up like they were going to fight me, but immediately went back into their room after I asked them to. Once in the room they starting kicking the bed trying to break off a piece of rail.
By that time security, RN, and 2 other staff members were there to witness the patient wrap a blanket around their neck and try to choke themselves. All this within about 90 seconds. From calm to actively suicidal. I got yelled at for allowing the patient to enter another patients room.
There are patients that scream, threaten to kill you, and are overly aggressive and then break down crying after you tell them to stop yelling.
I’m sorry OP had a horrible experience and mental health doesn’t get appropriate funding. I’d say 95% of ppl are good patients, but the rules are for the 5% that aren’t and we can’t know which ones are gonna be the 5%.
I think they use incursion :
1. an invasion or attack, especially a sudden or brief one.