GM Single handedly keeping aftermarket stereos relevant. I wouldn’t buy a car with this solution.
Android auto upgrades with my devices. It’s the best solution.
GM Single handedly keeping aftermarket stereos relevant. I wouldn’t buy a car with this solution.
Android auto upgrades with my devices. It’s the best solution.
Nobody uses dropbox because they like dropbox. They use it because it’s usually the only such service supported by the stupid fucking app they need on the stupid fucking ipad their company insists they use which has no other viable way to put files on and off of the fucking cunting thing because apple is fucking stupid and so is this god damn company.
Someone once told the IT manager that apple devices are “the most secure” and he doesn’t even fucking realise that by forcing us to use fucking stupid third party fucking services like fucking dropbox to get files on and off that they are subjecting confidential commercial fucking information to being fucking exposed to third fucking party boneless fucking cunts.
Seems like a fair and reasonable response to a cartoon.
The religion of peace strikes again.
Finished as in they no longer get to be installed on anything in my house. I realise that most people seem to love the taste of shit sandwiches. Not for me.
As soon as streaming services start acting like that, they’re gone. The only one I have left is Netflix, and it is on thin ice - we’ll see what they do with their pricing structure going forward and if they start trying to push ads on higher tiers.
I’ve been wanting these guys to chill for over 20 years. They have no chill. I’ve read so many takes on what it is they actually want, and why they keep seizing power. It seems the actual answer is that they just want power. Plain and simple.
That sounds like something that should be illegal. You bought the screen. It belongs to you.
Can you root the TV and be rid of that horrible functionality?
I disagree. I will not under any circumstances be advertised to in my own home.
I’m happy to pay for your goods and services, but if you break that agreement our relationship is immediately concluded. The penalty for breaking the original terms of our agreement is that I will take what I originally paid for in perpetuity. You had your chance.
Same rules apply for attempting to renegotiate the rules whilst the ball is in play: see Amazon’s new trend of attempting to charge an additional monthly fee of the same amount as the initial service to access documentaries etc. They’re finished.
That’s generally how it’s used in Australia. There will be an existing suburb named ‘generic suburb’, and developers will come and build a new housing development full of cookie cutter houses on 300m2 blocks with their gutters near touching eachother and call it ‘generic suburb heights’ as an attempt to give the schmucks that buy there some sort of feeling of prestige over the older neighbourhood with larger block sizes and more human compatible dwellings.
Other guy in here nailed it with the British origins but for some reason he’s been downvoted.
Rated by whom? The schmucks that drive them? Bought and paid for auto reviewers? Their opinion isn’t worth dick to me. Have you seen how poorly the panels match up on these things? They look like bad highschool metal shop projects on the outside and prototypes on the inside.
Nevermind the pure smug coming out of the exhaust on these cars.
Yeah, I’m super sure that the thousands of tonnes of raw earth that has to be processed by enormous mining equipment, and then refined through absolutely filthy chemical processes to extract the lithium, cobalt and magnesium required for just a handful of battery cells represents a net good for the planet. Just peachy.
All good though, because all of the raw materials are then only shipped to the other side of the world on ships powered by literal sludge to be manufactured into by batteries by China with zero environmental regulation and all waste products flowing straight into the ocean, before shipping the manufactured cells back across the world on more sludge powered ships.
Eventually, these lean, green, zero emission machines end up zipping around pumping out smug before it goes home to get charged by a power grid that is still 60% fossil fuel based. So, instead of the combustion of fossil fuels occurring under your bonnet, it occurs at the coal fired power plant down the road allowing you to recharge your battery with all the inefficiencies that entails and convince yourself you are somehow saving the planet.
University of Liege researcher Damien Ernst said in 2019 that the typical EV would have to travel nearly 700,000 km before it emitted less CO2 than a comparable gasoline vehicle.
After he accepted a bunch of dirty cash from the auto industry, he later revised his figures down to about 15,000km. That’s a fairly major revision and if it smells like bribery that’s because it was.
If you genuinely want to reduce carbon emissions, kill yourself. It’s the most effective way to save the planet.
It’s significant. Biggest effect is on efficacy of drug metabolism. There are many such studies.
One size does not fit all here owing to differences in expression of metabolising enzymes and drug transport mechanisms.
No, the Japanese are not aliens but they may require far less of a given drug than a westerner, or far more. This affects the likelihood to experience side effects for any given compound, and their severity.
It’s fairly ironic to make this change for Japan whilst elsewhere in the world with more racially mixed populations there has been a push in the opposite direction: a recognition that you cannot assume the results of a trial carried out on white male subjects will apply to those of African descent for example.
It’s not just drug treatments either. There are many aspects of medical care which have suffered from a lack of specificity and systemic bias.
I know enough to believe this isn’t a great idea.
Genetic variation in target populations can result in different outcomes for a variety of treatments and is worth testing specifically.
I think he might have actually been in the Pelosi boudoir handing out a length sentence before this went down.
If you are aware of this issue, it is your obligation to tell all of your friends, family, associates and coworkers to stop using Chrome immediately, and try out a new search engine.
It’s the least you can do.
This behaviour by Google is not going to stop. The mask has slipped too many times. They have become the very thing they swore to destroy.
Not many people will be ready to de Google their phones and stop buying their products. It’s the little things that will hurt them the most and show they’ve stepped over a line this last year or so.
deleted by creator
I work in land management and forest firefighting and you can literally come die in a fire.
I was already fighting wildfires in winter this year. Haven’t had any meaningful rain in over 160 days. We’re so utterly fucked.
My money is on a devout Jewish gentleman offended that women had some kind of representation anywhere.
It seems like you’ve read enough to get halfway there.
You should go back and read the source documents and go over what ecohealth alliance were actually doing, and where they were doing it. The funding proposals were extremely detailed, right down to carrying out gain of function research to aerosolise the corona viruses harvested from bats.
It is almost impossible to immunise bats using droplet transmission and this is the source of the global fuckup.
At some stage during this process, the modified pathogen from very early stages of developing a corona vaccine FOR BATS (the stated goal of the funding request) it somehow got out of one of the labs involved. (Malice or stupidity, we’ll never know)
At that stage it would still be fair to call the original escaped variant a VIRUS because it had not yet reached the development stage of being attenuated sufficiently to be called a vaccine, but it was a long way from a wild type variant.
This lines up with early sequencing of the virus that is widely documented. Those with any scientific integrity have acknowledged from day 1 that there were portions of the sequence that can not occur without human intervention.
In short, this was all being done with US funding in labs with woefully inadequate safety protocols.
So long as we are prepared to accept the risk/reward profile of gain of function research being carried out anywhere in the world, the risk of a similar global pandemic will never go away.
Protest is now illegal. You will be brutally bashed by the police and locked up regardless how just the cause.
They are and have always been the blunt instrument with which the state monopoly on violence is maintained and exercised.
We are also subject to random roadside tax extortion based on whatever the fiction of the day happens to be. I would actually prefer the open faced honest corruption of simply being asked for a bribe to go on with my day ala India or Thailand. At least we don’t need to pretend the interaction is anything other than what it is.
We don’t have a lack of morality. We’re just aware of the role of police in society. They are the oppressors and everyone else is the oppressed.
If you want to lick the boot on your throat that’s your choice. The rest of us just have to celebrate the small victories and hope there are more of them.
You’d be surprised. Check AliExpress. There are aftermarket units built to fit perfectly into every dumb auto fascia they’ve come up with to prevent it. A simple harness adapted is usually sufficient to restore steering wheel controls etc.
I’ve heard of a couple of vehicles where you simply cannot replace the media centre because it doubles as climate control input etc but the simple answer is: refuse to buy those vehicles.