I like the way you think!
I like the way you think!
That is fantastic
I thought the same thing initially but modern video codecs, plus the developer’s plan to limit the videos to 30 seconds actually seem feasible. Large Lemmy and mastodon servers are also pricy to run but the community finds a way, I think it’ll be the same for Loops.
Loops is a TikTok clone in the same way pixelfed is an Instagram clone. It’s an app and a backend server setup with activitypub. You can sign up now to the developer’s instance if you’re interested. After signup you get access to the beta app. It’ll probably hit the app store in a few weeks/months depending on how fast the developer can get it done.
Choosing is not so much about whether it’s internet facing or not. From the programmer’s perspective and an administrator’s perspective there are pros and cons to both. As someone looking to self-host, if you want to run a service that works with either, I would make the choice based on what seems the most supported, or which one you feel the most comfortable looking up and performing administrative tasks on. I tend to use postgresql more just because I have more experience with it and can recommend it if that’s what you need, but mysql can be just as good or better in many circumstances. Pick whichever one looks easier to you.
You might be, it wasn’t the best movie I’ve ever seen but it was a refreshing light-hearted and well executed vision from what was obviously a small team of passionate creators. A lot of stars were born in slapstick, it’s a staple of cinema even if it’s fallen out of style. You should check out some Charlie Chaplin, Marx Brothers and Three Stooges to maybe get a better sense of what they were trying to be like.
I just want to say I really appreciate this creator, asianometry covers lots of neat topics and does so really well imho
Interesting story, thanks for sharing!
I see more engagement across my Lemmy feeds every week. It’s definitely smaller and slower here but there are real relationships and communities forming. I think the fediverse is strongly positioned to outlive and maybe even outgrow closed social ecosystems. If you’re frustrated with a lack of a certain kind of content on Lemmy make it your responsibility to go create or share some of that content.
Geocities, Myspace, Digg, Reddit all started somewhere. I think any good underlying framework (federated social networks) that enables strong communities will always stand a chance. I really do get early reddit vibes on here.
I had the opportunity once to see Curiosity modeled in a VR environment as if you were standing on Mars next to it and I remember how very surprised I was at how big it was.
As a fun side note now that you’ve jogged my memory. That same demo also had a model of the Rosetta spacecraft orbiting Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. For whatever reason it was sized so that the asteroid comet was about the size of a cat and I will never forgot watching that itty bitty little satellite orbit around that odd shaped asteroid comet in front of me.
you answered my question before I could even ask, thanks for sharing!
Seriously, this was pretty cool, thanks for sharing!
I think it is measured and professionals who work in areas where this was relevant probably track this number among many others. I think the real question you are asking is why it is always framed as a % of GDP in public discussion and news reporting. Some people here point out how % of GDP can be more useful for comparing across countries with vastly different sized economies but I think we all know the real answer has more to do with how people perceive the value differently by using the larger number. Framing government debt as a % of GDP serves the zeitgeist, whatever that is.
I understand this reference and I approve o7
I am a little biased because I’ve been using Debian professionally for many years now but we don’t deserve Debian. It is fantastically stable and reliable and makes an excellent platform for running your services off of. If you are at all interested in offering some time and energy to the open source community, consider adopting a Debian package!
Wish that this somehow translated to the people in charge of the shitshow being replaced, but I’m pretty sure it’s the workers who will suffer instead. This failure is 1000% on an executive culture of “cut corners so line goes up”, not the thousands of people who actually build the darn things.
That’s some great perspective, thanks for the detailed reply!
That’s some great perspective, thanks for the detailed reply!
this really needs more circulation because too goddamn many people still believe his PR