Mercator distorts things but Greenland is still yuge.
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Nerd, truck driver, and kinda creeped that you’re reading this.
Mercator distorts things but Greenland is still yuge.
I had quite a few docker containers going on a Raspberry Pi 4. Worked fine. Though it did have 8GB of RAM to be fair
Honestly that’s probably not a huge electrical load.
All water conserved, recycled into drinkable water
I know some people involved with ISS life support stuff that might genuinely like this lmao
Ooooooooh noooooooooooo
What’s that? There’s people living there? We should ask them? What the fuck are you on about?
Yeah. I was in Cuba recently. A lot of poverty but very safe (in Havana at least, where I was. Can’t speak to the rest but I’m told it’s similar). Nobody sleeping in the streets. People were fed, though with very limited choices and portion.
Then you look at some cities in the USA, the richest country on earth and there’s people living in the streets, begging for food. You feel unsafe waiting down the street. Tons of desperation and even those with housing feel like they’re walking a tightrope.
Not saying Cuba’s situation is “better”, it’s definitely nuanced though. And we should really see what Cuba could do if the US would stop trying to cripple it as it has for to many decades. It’s unjustifiable and disgusting.
It’s second largest one the planet iirc behind Singapore
Self defense tbh, but on a societal level
Life in prison? But seeing as the system is set up to reward not punish these monsters I’m not seeing a lot of options
Only in the UK - still available elsewhere
IMO comments should never ever be parsed under any circumstances but I probably don’t know enough to really speak on this
The missiles stop when the genocide-colonialism stops
May all colonists sleep uneasy
I’m not sure how there’s much of any argument for it. It’s pretty clear that a person only officially becomes vice/president-elect after being voted for in the EC.
Though what happens it the EC elects a dead man? Many states REQUIRE their electors to vote as told. Probably would see more state level law crises at that point. Resolutions to make the electors vote for the VP candidate if the presidential one dies.
Immich (Photo backup), Vaultwarden (FOSS Biwarden server for passwords)
Spanish is not the preferred nomenclature. Castilian, please.
I know there’s a divide in that some countries say “Español” and others “Castellano” but I don’t think it’s a particularly controversial difference.
Thanks for all the work!