This is a goog thing.
This is a goog thing.
It can’t have zero impact if you replace 50-300 million straws per day in de US alone. Could we do more? Of course we could but a start is a start and this is better than nothing.
Besides that I don’t get how and why someone’s life might depends on plastic straws but I’m sure we could find an alternative for that poor person.
Maybe but a metal or glass straw that got disposed has a very different impact on the environment than a plastic one…
My tip for everyone using Firefox on pc: install the tree style tabs plugin!
No but the plastic ones actually did harm the plant.
Once in a restaurant I got some longe macaroni pasta as a straw and I still think this was genius.
New on this planet? When was the last time any political decision was based on science?
Sorry for the shitpost, I missed my train and now I’m a little bored 🤫
Could it be for once useful not to be completely divided? Sure, rich people use and have used race, sex and so on to gain and maintain power but rich people are also composed, even if not homogeneously distributed, of different races, genders and so on.
Pointing fingers at rich white man helps in the same way as point fingers at rich Jews. It helps nothing but hiding the valid criticism of the out of control system we live in behind a hateful division of society.
You could have just said “rich people” to include all the shady ultra rich fuckers from all around the world. This isn’t a gender, race, culture or religion problem, it’s a class problem.
It is totally terrifying but also very strange to read about the record heat everywhere while we here in Germany had probably the coldest July in a decade. We had 16C where we should have had 30C. And we had rain, a lot of rain.
Still, I’m terrified.
It’s the news community on Should we all start posting our local news?
That’s no world news, that’s cleveland news. Please post content that’s relevant to the world.
Okay and I agree but how is capitalism a government?
Don’t know your evidence for that comment but the Kia I drive is a very good and reliable car.
Could you explain the absurd high price of oat milk to me? I mean oat is cheap af, water is cheap af and the infrastructure to produce and package is already well established. But still, oat milk is compared to what it is insanely expensive…
If you look closely you’ll see that investment firms like black rock, vanguard or staat street have their fingers in and in part control over almost all global companies. And evan without that fact - maximizing profits and growth - is kind of the main mantra of the global economy.
Saying scalability is the main factor for higher prices and capitalists controlling prices would be a conspiracy theory seams very shortsighted and, sorry, uneducated to me.
We should definitely rethink all of education on this premise 👍
Better to help the people who are to stupid to survive everyday life with vague allegorical stories than to help the people who are so weak that they get mentally ill from the constant stream of tragedy that is modern day media.
On the other hand, isn’t there a global trend where people stop consuming any news at all on the base that they feel like they’re getting sick from it?
And I don’t even own a boat 😢
You’re a very strong dude. Good for you.
But is your solution to “nobody reads signs or article” and “instructions or licences are bad quality” really that we simply need more tragic articles with no further helpful information/instruction?
You really need an article about a dead child to remind you that a fast spinning metal propeller can be dangerous?
Aren’t there hundreds of warning signs with information just like that labeled on everything in the U.S.? Don’t you need some license or at least an instruction lesson to opperae a boat? Wouldn’t an article about boat safety in general be much more helpful than a story about a dead child?
Okay, one person on a boat is now more aware of the danger while ten people around the world are one step closer to mental breakdown and depression.
This article wasn’t written to help anyone, it was written to generate traffic by triggering empathy and compassion. It’s click bait.
That’s no news, that’s a sad information about a sad accident that makes me and everyone more sad. It’s in no way relevant for anyone other then the family, it doesn’t help to prevent further accident nor could anything be improved based on this information.
This was in Arizona and I live in Germany, if the internet keeps going to inform me about every tragedy on this glob I’m soon going to be one of them…
Wow you guys hate apple more than I do and I really think they’re overpriced but okay hard and software for people with other needs. The apple users I know don’t really think about gaming at all, wondering how many seriously do.