You know what will solve this toxic waste problem? More toxic waste!
I say weird shit and half the time I actually believe it.
You know what will solve this toxic waste problem? More toxic waste!
I think it was Alan Dean Foster who said (paraphrased) that time travel is impossible not because time travel is impossible but because there’s a certain point where all of the time traveling that can be done will have been done.
The only downside is that you never know if you’re on the final loop or not, so everything you do may be the most important thing you will ever do, or it may not matter at all.
I’ve played both but every copy of mouse trap I’ve ever had either didn’t work or worked very shittily. Massive disappointment all the way around
Any food that gets labeled as a “superfood” quickly falls prey to over farming, causing the nutrition quality of the food to plummet because the food is being grown too rapidly to absorb the nutrition from the environment the way that it did before it was aggressively over farmed by profit seeking corporations, causing it to quickly cease being any kind of a superfood.
Okay so here’s my take on it not that anybody asked.
There are likely back doors in all computerized Networked devices.
There is likely some identifying information being sent back to random servers from a myriad of places.
That being said, you are not worth the time to directly observe.
Most likely, all of this data goes into a large database where they analyze trends and look for people that are outside of various tolerance zones.
Other than that, all of your data is just noise, grist for the grist Mill.
It is only when you become a person of interest who is worth devoting the time to directly analyze that these risks escalate to the point where you should have concern about it.
99.9999% of us are just not important enough to pay attention to.
They should make it take 10 years to release the last one so that all of the actors can realistically age along with the story
I just tell them whoever they’re calling for died. I let them bask in the awkwardness for a bit before they hang up.
We have an app like that that has a lot of our clients pii in it and in order to keep it safe we host the app itself on a remote machine and when people need to use it they RDC into the machine with a shortcut.
They have local admin permissions on that machine but the only thing that that device can do is run that application and the firewall outside of it prevents it from going out to the internet or other places.
Maybe it’s overkill, but doing things like that help prevent and protect our clients which is the most important thing for the company I work for other than making money.
There is no fixing the human condition. Maybe when the computers become sentient they’ll not look too poorly on us.
I think we could be rehabilitated we just can’t be in charge of the rehabilitation
Nobody actually has an answer to that because there is no answer to it.
The system is so broken that there is no longer a way to fix it.
Any processes that could be implemented that have the potential to fix the issues comes from a broken system.
These processes would then be administered by the broken system.
Therefore no matter how good the process is, it will end up broken.
You may say that I am a hopeless person.
You may say that I am wrong and there is obviously something that can be done that has not yet been done.
I would say you are right, but experience indicates that although the possibility of reform exists, the capacity of the system to reform itself would be administered by a broken system.
Therefore even reform will end up broken and fail.
There was a reason why Nero played the fiddle while Rome burned. I’m just out here handing out rosin .
I could see a certain amount of time in prison, like a decade.
Obviously this homicide was aggravated by the circumstance that the CEO was technically the administrator of.
Therefore I feel like the punishment should be somewhat lenient given that the CEO inadvertently escalated the situation resulting in his own demise.
Kind of like if somebody beats up your best friend and then you beat them up in retaliation, the punishment should be more lenient on you than it is on the original aggressor.
Every gender suffers always.
Suffrage in this context literally means the right to vote.
There are also variations on this that play ASCII Star wars and modified versions of the song that are terrible on purpose.
I set this as the admin login link to my docker system just in case somebody manages to infiltrate my network.
Honestly my dude. Lie.
Find a job you’re interested in and then tell them that you have the experience needed to do that job. Make shit up if you have to. Get the job and then learn how to do it as you go.
I’m probably going to get down voted for this. I don’t fucking care. It’s the truth. If you’re telling recruiters the absolute Rock solid truth then you’re giving them all of the cards and they are going to try to get you to underbid your abilities and skills but if you’ll put the effort in and just reach a little bit you’ll be fine.
Like, I wouldn’t say apply to be a doctor when you don’t have a medical degree or anything but apply for that senior position when you only have a Junior’s skill. Go for executive vice administrator or senior associate programmer or sysdmin Ii or whatever the fuck is a step above your actual capabilities and then do your God damnedest to grow into the role in the first six to eight weeks of the job and more than likely you’ll be fine.
Back in the day I did very similar and it has worked out swimmingly for me and I believe you’re a smart person and that you’re capable and that you can succeed if you’re given the opportunity and if you have to lie to get your foot in the door then fucking lie and go for it, and once they let you in turn that fucking lie into the goddamned truth.
Coal. For some reason Republicans love that stuff.
From memory it was an actual patient but I wasn’t easily able to find it from a quick search.
Okay but what you’re saying is if I hired a good enough marksman to shoot the cancer out of my body without killing me then that’s a good thing right?
I mean, that’s basically what we do with gamma radiation and chemotherapy, just a little bit more ballistic, right?
Reminds me of the guy that got a heart transplant and took up smoking like the original owner of the heart and started dating the original owners ex.
Neither will trump or any other Republican
Everyone has their own opinion about it but I don’t think that there is any eternal consequence to it.
It’s just a really shitty thing that people have to go through sometimes, either shitty that they prevent the child from being born and then have to live with their own guilt about it, or shitty that they let the child be born regardless of their feelings and then have to deal with the consequences.
It’s a bad roll of the die anyway you look at it