I run a half marathon 1-2 times a month, and the costco poutine (2000+ calories) really hits different when it’s guilt free
I run a half marathon 1-2 times a month, and the costco poutine (2000+ calories) really hits different when it’s guilt free
Voila is a delivery service, not sure why they decided to pick that out of literally everywhere in the country
They are $3.60 a dozen at Costco ($2.50 USD) last time I was there
You can’t grow anything in the winter,
Globalization! And before that, preserves. Good thing is nothing spoils when the world is your fridge/freezer
don’t the pipes freeze and burst?
Water mains are buried deep enough that they don’t freeze. Tap water is noticeably colder.
Is it bad for the roads and bridges?
Yes. The cold isn’t, but freeze/thaw cycles are. Most asphalt roads needs to be resurfaced every 15 years or so
Do the homeless freeze to death?
Yes, but most cities have heated shelters around here where people can come when it gets too cold to sleep outdoors
The squirrels?
Northern mammals evolved to handle it
What about reptiles, snakes and lizards?
What are those?
Like once a month we have a fake site pop up using the name of our business with 1-2 characters changed. They use a web crawler to scrape all the content off our domain and they re-host all of our products on a woocommerce site where they steal our customers credit card information.
These all use cloudflare to conceal the hosting providers, who are entirely non-responsive without a police report or WIPO ruling. When all is said and done, the content is being hosted in China, Russia, or South Africa, meaning the only way to remove the content is from the registrar’s, because they are the only link in the chain that actually has to comply
You should look at how OPs example works before forming an opinion.
The python interpreter isn’t parsing comments, the add() function is just getting the current line number from the call stack context, and using a regex to spit out the numbers to the right of the “#” on the current executing line of the source code.
Do you stay away from C++ too? You can do this there too
This stuff is normally used for creating human readable error messages. E.g. printing the line of your code that actually set off the exception
The add
function in the example above probably traverses the call stack to see what line of the script is currently being executed by the interpreter, then reads in that line in the original script, parses the comment, and subs in the values in the function call.
This functionality exists so when you get a traceback you can see what line of code triggered it in the error message
What does git add xxx
do then
Git doesn’t automatically recursively add all files in the directory to the repository though - VSCode decided that should be the default behavior, while other editors (intellij) ask if you want to add newly created files to version control
This was literally the overarching plot for the last season of curb
This is only true for steam keys sold on other platforms afaik
What (widely popular) race could possibly be a better metric of endurance than the marathon?
It’s not necessary but there is no reason not to.
instead of just python3
in the run line of your dockerfilelol. Did this in my old building - the dryer was on an improperly rated circuit and the breaker would trip half the time, eating my money and leaving wet clothes.
It was one of the old, “insert coin, push metal chute in” types. Turns out you could bend a coat hanger and fish it through a hole in the back to engage the lever that the push-mechanism was supposed to engage. Showed everyone in the building.
The landlord came by the building a month later and asked why there was no money in the machines, I told him “we all started going to the laundromat down the street because it was cheaper”
You can just point your domain at your local IP, e.g.
Right? it screams wayyyy pre-y2k but MySQL was only release in 95
will it become a relic of the past?
why YEAR in the first place, who would actually make use of it?
Accounting systems in the 90s that needed to squeeze out every drop of performance imaginable
I expect it won’t
The year datatype is a 1 byte integer, but the engine adds/subtracts 1900 to the value under the hood and has special handling for zero.
If you need to store more than 255 years range, you can use a 2 byte integer, which doesn’t need that special handling under the hood, because with 2 bytes you can store 65000+ years
An hour run burns like 600