That woman… how stubborn can you be?
How can you not realize the insanity of continuing when what takes others 20 minutes takes you 6 hours.
Could it have been some form of suicide?
That woman… how stubborn can you be?
How can you not realize the insanity of continuing when what takes others 20 minutes takes you 6 hours.
Could it have been some form of suicide?
Let them have their dog meat as long as it’s sanitary.
What’s the problem?
Yes, as long as it’s sanitary, what’s the problem?
Eat all the dog you want!
All meat should be legal (except human of course).
This always was so strange to me.
I would eat a dog just as I would eat a horse or cow…
If the meat tastes awful I would understand, and I would not want to eat an animal I have an emotional bond with.
But any other animal is fair game to me.
I kept rats as pets, and I loved my rats and wanted no harm to come their way, but I have no problem calling the exterminator if there’s an infestation.
Those are not my rats, so why would I care?
Thank you, I don’t know French and was scratching my head as to why this is confidently incorrect.