Oldie but a goodie
Oldie but a goodie
You would prob enjoy Jon Stewart’s “is this fascism?” video.
Just know a human developer and remember they’re all humans
Insert waiting indefinitely meme
Please Lord let me find a woman that makes the same as me and I’ll happily retire a Pinterest mom and support her career. I love my kid, my home, my time, my flexibility, optimizing systems with cart blanche…
Check out Timeless with JT
Then the Reaganomics kick in
Nixel’s system is great for SF and up North. I assumed the whole state used it
Archive was my very first thought. Now I realize why they have a target on their back. Victors write history. Fuck.
Stopping by their office (a fucking church!) this week to see how we can help protect them. Will see if my company will pro bono our InfoSec solutions. You should do the same.
I think the private prison system is one of the worst institutions in the world. I think the reality of the stock market has no connection to capital reinvested into businesses vs shareholder dividends. Investments at this scale are not like giving a three person startup 2 million dollars. They’re not growing their businesses by putting it all into capex.
Are you an asshole for gambling on whether Trump will keep his word, using the systems in front of you? Dare I say it? No. You’re not.
25 years ago we were still learning techniques like this in the darkroom. I actually feel like you could edit more back then, in a different way. Mess with chemicals, overlays, timing… You could physically do it, like natural piano/drums dynamics vs digital sounding too clean.
My punk rock lifetime bay area liberal 45 yr old friend voted Trump bc Israel.
It’s neither “their” problem not one that was manufactured and shoved down throats
Fr not only do they lose the popular vote… even the red states aren’t all 80/20… there are miserable intelligent Americans everywhere and nobody gives a shit. I’ve lived in blue bubbles my whole life and spent a ton of time in red places with red people (stop, you know what I mean), and there are always normal blue people. And most red people are only a disinformation or two away from being with it. Unfortunately that’s all it takes in a two party system and they game it well. Take away angels and abortion and before the hell cult, most Americans are half decent and not Nazis.
I look like a maniac laughing so hard at a diner ty
Because it’s the 2024 “but her emails”
I’m cold and sad. This is bullshit.
Also, I live near the research hospital. Our neighborhood is freezing and foggy, and the med students don’t bundle up. I think this data is biased bc the only warm people are at home all the time, hence statistically high per capita depression. /s
I sat starting in 6th grade. Was told I don’t have to participate but need to stand.