A heads-up to anyone else who suddenly got this post in there feed, this article and post is over a year old.
A heads-up to anyone else who suddenly got this post in there feed, this article and post is over a year old.
Oh ok you should probably clarify that in the OP since everyone is giving you recommendations of self hosted software. It’s usually assumed that’s what someone’s after when they are asking for a FOSS service.
Why is Nextcloud not what you’re looking for? Sounds perfect for what you’re after.
He keeps changing his demands all the time. If turkey are let into the EU he will just come up with another excuse. No thanks.
All software listed is FOSS.
I just run one mariadb container via docker-compose that all my other services use as their database.
version: "2"
image: lscr.io/linuxserver/mariadb:latest
container_name: mariadb
- TZ=####/####
- PUID=###
- PGID=###
- MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD==############
- /docker/mariadb:/config
- 3306:3306
restart: unless-stopped
Off-topic but I don’t really get the appeal in running Kubernetes (or similar technologies) in a homelab. Unless it’s something you want to learn for work of course.
Cloudflare has a catch-all option that you can enable, but they only allow you to receive emails not send them. https://developers.cloudflare.com/email-routing/setup/email-routing-addresses/