Fair enough. Gotta think about this a little more I guess.
Fair enough. Gotta think about this a little more I guess.
Propaganda about the enemy usually doesn’t require altering the truth much. Propaganda about the own state of affairs is a completely different story.
There’s also reasons why capitalism doesn’t work in feudal societies. They don’t give a fuck about logic though
Letting them destroy the whole place was step 1. I guess everybody’s seen the pictures.
“Thinking Biden didn’t do enough led us here” is an insane thing to say. Voting for Trump led us to step 2. You’re not even sure the people you are blaming did vote for Trump, are you? Stop the blame game and focus.
Do you think they’ll find out and leave it at that? I mean, it was always the question who would accept millions of deported people and I’m pretty sure Trump doesn’t wanna pay anyone for that. He will come up with another plan. Or he won’t and they will slowly die in the concentration camps.
Yeah, I‘m from Germany, too and I am very pessimistic regarding a fascist revival. The AfD is constantly gaining votes, while liberal parties adopt many of their policies. It‘s becoming cool to be a fascist
Have you read the study?
Because: I still only get the names of the authors when I click the link to the study. In the article on the other hand there is a link to the “study that will be published” and it goes to the same rather blank archive url that you provided.
If the study has already been published, maybe you got another source?
I managed to get it:
But yeah, I won’t read it now, cause it’s massive. That’s also why I replied to your quotes in the first place.
Also, I think we know each other from some time ago, right?
Can‘t find the pdf of the study under the address. Then again, is it really worth reading it: They found that there isn‘t more pro-ccp stuff on TikTok than on the American platforms but less anti-ccp content on it. I mean they tried real hard finding something, looking for the decisive keywords, yet this is the outcome? There is more anti-ccp content on American platforms that on a Chinese one! Does that tell us something about Chinese or about American propaganda?
so you got a pretty big mouth, how about telling us how you avoid all those taxes?
you‘re conveniently omitting the concentration camps he wants to profit off
yes, but I’m not investing in it. Get the difference?
What does it mean “as left as they come”? When you’re interested in profiting from current slave labour and future concentration camps.
Bad isn’t even a category here, you’re a wannabe fascist profiteer
Jesus, talking about upbringing
It‘s about money. And that‘s it. Rich countries can simply afford do clean up after their civilised citizens. And what do they also do? They export the rubbish to poor countries.
yeah, me too
no, and please don’t start defending next to my house, thanks
And I don‘t know what‘s going on with them. There weren’t any updates for years, now there is a design overhaul, no new features and suddenly they want me to register. Duck
I think it already happened. He mentioned that there might be something up with the bonds just a week ago. Luckily he was quiet since then.