I’m just surprised there are Palestinian children that the brave Israeli soldiers didn’t murder.
I’m just surprised there are Palestinian children that the brave Israeli soldiers didn’t murder.
And he’s so fucking stupid he’ll fall for it again … and again …
The Church has been left in the hands of its lowest common denominator in the west, and they’ve grabbed onto the power that offers with every intention to abuse the shit out of it
It has ALWAYS been this way. Difference is the freedom of choice. Of course these fukn assholes would love to have attendance, and especially tithing, legally compulsory. Their sociopathic brains can’t appreciate the supreme way that could backfire. Thankfully people with 100+ IQs can abstain and ignore, for now.
Anyway, guys like you mentioned are fukn grifters and clowns. Stupid people will always be used by evil people to accomplish their goals. If it wasn’t religion, it would be something else that offers the sheep easy answers with minimal cognitive commitment.
Christianity is dying at warp speed, being abandoned by the drones in favor of cryptofascism and stupidity-based nationalism. The evangelicals themselves are redefining the doctrines to include violent extremist ideology.
Donny easily meets the biblical Antichrist criteria without any use of imagination, and yet he is fully embraced by the holy moron community. Their principles have been fully compromised.
Tailscale is on both the base OS and I have the docker extension, which required the base OS install IIRC.
I think I figured it out, just have to implement the fix. I think the problem is the lack of 443’s published by the containers. Looks like I may be able to modify the ports easily in Portainer.
This sounds like exactly what I need. If I wanted to share my Linux Distros share with my dad, he wouldn’t need to install tailscale and feck with all that?
Do these port numbers tell you anything at all? I’m very new to all of this.
Except that the services are “unable to open” and “other” even from the tailscale admin panel. The top two services, heimdal and portainer, are the only ones with an “open” link.
edit: if I stop heimdall in Docker, the situation is the same, except no start page.
heimdal: https://pasteboard.co/Z6mFKs1Dtdza.png
docker container view: https://pasteboard.co/qndeMLq3luWB.png
The democrats are fucking done. They’ve shown that while republicans are all about corruption AND fascism, dems are strictly about corruption and will do fuckall in the face of such an evil cabal.
Lol. Too bad the Ruskies can’t fly as well as they buttfuck.
More American resources wasted for Israel.
You are corrupting what should be about the rights and livelihoods of millions by wishing the same injustice happening to millions others instead of vanishing.
Classic Jewish misdirection and bad-faith arguments. I never said anything about genocide, I demand appropriate punishment for war criminals.
Israel 2.0 with Arabs and Muslims.
Most Arabs are Muslims, Moishe. I simply advocate for returning the land to it’s rightful owners. Israel has made the case for dissolution all on its own, constantly instigating foreign conflicts for economic gain and murdering thousands of civilians.
Since you guys are okay with genocide now, what did Hitler do wrong?
I certainly hope Israel gets what it deserves. The level at which its citizens have corrupted the governments and economies of the world should justify a seizure of all their assets and dissolution of the State of Israel, with the land returned to arabs.
The world should demand, through threat of invasion, prosecution and capital punishment for all those who conducted or participated in the unlawful aggression against Palestine and the slaughter of its civilians.
It is troubling that so many major powers are inundated with individuals whose true loyalty is to Israel, not their own country or its people.
It’s antisemitic to notice Israel’s crimes against humanity.
Trash goes in the can. Better than what I’d give them.
It’s a feature, not a bug, you silly goose. Now get back to work making excess profits.
Reporting Israeli crimes against humanity is antisemitic. Obviously Israel has the right to defend itself against children getting water. That sniper should be given an award and parade, certainly not flayed alive and thrown on an ant hill.