Arguably Ghostbusters (1984) is prior art for throwing a capsule and capturing 🤣
Edit: they even had a video game with the ghost trap.
Arguably Ghostbusters (1984) is prior art for throwing a capsule and capturing 🤣
Edit: they even had a video game with the ghost trap.
Shit, that’s where my sex drive went. Can I have it back please?
I am aware. What processing is only possible in the cloud, and not locally?
Edit: My apologies, I didn’t realize you weren’t the same person I originally replied to. Please disregard!
Until homeomorphic encryption becomes a thing, cloud can’t be secure or private.
Why do you need homeomorphic encryption? Isn’t client-side encryption good enough for most use cases?
Mailing lists are pretty awesome. They’re like a decentralized forum. There are even good web UIs!
That said, submitting and reviewing patches over email suuucks.
Here’s a language that does bash and Windows batch files:
I haven’t used either tool, so I can’t recommend one over the other.
I’m using value in the loosest sense, like how all objects are values.
So now if you have three implementations of IProductService
, how do you know which one is configured?
I’m not exactly sure what you mean. Doesn’t all dependency injection work the way I described?
Without being familiar with the framework, you can’t trace your way from the class getting injected into to the configuration, even if you’re experienced with the language.
Dependency injection is so much worse. Oh, hey, where’d this value come from? Giant blob of opaque reflection code.
That’s absolutely true. What’s hard and what’s easy in programming is so completely foreign to non-programmers.
Wait, you can guess my password in under a week but you can’t figure out how to pack a knapsack?
If you haven’t already, take a peek at Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality. It’s fanfiction, but absolutely worth a read.
This doesn’t hold. Commit signature is a feature of git itself, even though the article chooses to focus on GitHub. And afaik github integration of signatures doesn’t break code hosting elsewhere, GH merely allows you to register your GPG signature with them so they’re able to validate the commits, but the author is still able to enroll the same GPG key to other hosts.
Not only that, but GitHub rewrites signatures on rebase (and sometimes on fast forward merge) with their own private key. Using signatures on GitHub is basically pointless.
I had no idea the number was still so high (36% according to this article)! That’ll teach me to comment without research.
There are a ton of exhausting, painful, and dangerous things requiring medical appointments that aren’t pregnancy. All of them should get paid leave. That’s all I mean 😅
Providing incentives to have children, if the society wants to encourage that goal, is another thing entirely. I hadn’t really considered that!
Sorry! I didn’t mean to come off as a jerk :(
I meant that parents getting paid leave for what I consider to be a choice while non-parents making a similar choice not getting time off seems unfair to me. I’m totally in favor of time off for medical stuff, elective or not!
For many people in North America (but admittedly not all), pregnancy is a choice. If I choose to get elective surgery, should I not also be entitled to time off for the medical appointments?
wingtk should work, though it’s been a few years since I tried it. What happened?
That said, there are cases of players noticing emergent behaviour in games! For example:
Well today I learned!