The law is slightly nonsensical, in particular regarding amounts and such. It’s giving written by someone who’s never seen a weed
The law is slightly nonsensical, in particular regarding amounts and such. It’s giving written by someone who’s never seen a weed
Yes, what you’re saying doesn’t negate what I’m saying, and viceversa 😅
I’m just saying the article makes it look like you’ll be able to get 25 grams a day with no further restriction, and that’s not true. That among other issues with the article.
Lol this article describes the law very poorly. From a club you can get up to 25 grams a day, for up to a maximum of 50 a month.
Money is neither finite nor a resource
Growing up and up until about that generation, one of the big “console vs PC” arguments was that you could just plug the console in and start playing right away.
With a PC you had to at least start the computer and run the game, but a lot of times you had to fiddle with settings, config files, drivers and whatnot.
Clearly everyone forgot that argument as generations progressed and PC gaming got somewhat simpler and consoles more complicated
They’re a thing as long as you make them. There’s not gonna be commercial cannabis