I keep seeing this Jeffries guy everywhere and he just seems like an animated limp dick who loves saying “the American people” every other sentence he utters. He’s not it, not even close to it
I keep seeing this Jeffries guy everywhere and he just seems like an animated limp dick who loves saying “the American people” every other sentence he utters. He’s not it, not even close to it
He’s a bit bitchy in Sherlock but still pretty alpha. Re-watching it right now
I think I’m more plastic than man now. Guess I’ll go out into the ocean and choke some sea turtles. I see now that that was always my destiny
I’ve never let being incorrect stop me before and yeah, that’s a great example. I watched that movie a few times when I was young
A wacky, best-selling comedy would happen, am I right!?
I’ve accidentally turned on speed limits in Qbit before
I’d listen to this gentleman right here. He said a bunch of shit I don’t understand
Good to know about Jack’s place on the frozen pizza ranking. I actually like the sauce on Tombstone pizzas which is rare for me. Pepperoni tastes pretty damn too.
Tombstone pizza is a pretty good replacement for Jack’s if they carry it.
Hard to discern if she’s working for all 3 or if she is just that stupid. Yeah, yeah, why not both.
finally someone did the thing everybody wanted
“these days” didn’t make a lot of sense to me either. Otherwise, solid comment