Insomnia has that classic postman feel, but personally I switched to hurl ( ) I really like how simple it is once it’s setup.
Insomnia has that classic postman feel, but personally I switched to hurl ( ) I really like how simple it is once it’s setup.
Impossible to say, there is no easy or immediate fix that I can imagine. I’ve basically accepted the underlying threat of fascism is something we are going to be dealing with for the rest of our time on the planet. Continue to vote to keep fascists off the levers of power, continue to protest whenever they have the levers, and pray the wheels of justice ground finely for enemies of democracy. Perhaps our kids or grandkids will find themselves in a better situation for their times…
Cry me a river. Clinton had a plan to retrain and retool these coal towns your describing into productive green energy leaders and they rejected it because she eats babies and wind farms kill birds, or whatever. They are totally irrational and I’m not going to keep pretending otherwise. The real government failure is lack of education spending and critical thinking skills (thanks GOP) that is going to take generations to correct.
Edit: I’ll add there are sparks of “hope” in rural america now that farmers are seeing the impacts of climate change effecting their yields, I think they are starting to come around. Probably too late, but it’s something…
Sooo no digital, what about phone calls? Are judges signing wiretap warrants for abortion investigations? What the fuck.
Quake champions might be of interest
Edit lol just looked at the player counts, maybe not. Eh, I had fun with it for a while though.