Oh wow, TIL. Yeah I am not a fan of them. Urgh.
Bona fide idiot
Oh wow, TIL. Yeah I am not a fan of them. Urgh.
Sexist, much?
Oh no, someone who writes about gardening!! In a magazine for the elderly!!Look, it was just the first article I could find while I was in the middle of baking, that wasn’t an American health and wellbeing website. I’m not American so I don’t know those websites and I don’t know what they all are. I just wanted to help the person I was replying to. The article links to the charity that has done loads of research into it. Yes I could have found a better link and fucking hell I wish I hadn’t bothered even commenting now.
Yeah that’s my phone autocorrecting. I’m not sure why anyone would think I meant ‘restrain’, but oh well. I’ll edit, thanks for pointing it out.
I only realised I’d lost my smell completely when I smelled some perfume and thought it must be off, because it smelled of nothing. Then I realised that my other perfumes were ‘off’, and then went around my home smelling random things and finally realised it was me. I think it was the effect on my taste that was the hardest thing though. Onions and garlic especially made everything taste horrible.
Thank you. I should have realised that it needed more of an explanation. Shame that people don’t engage their brains before a trigger finger downvote in a science thread though.
deleted by creator
Apologies if you’ve already tried this or something similar, it doesn’t work for everyone, but I got mine back by using essential oils to retrain [edited as my phone autocorrected to ‘restrain’] my olfactory system. After over a year of my food tasting like trash, or like it was off, and a dangerous incident (with a trip to A&E) where my brain fog meant I left an unlit gas oven on all night and couldn’t smell it until I’d already got carbon monoxide poisoning (thankfully mild and temporary), I regained my smell and taste in about a week. Here’s an article about it, it links to a charity that works in the field of loss of smell : https://www.saga.co.uk/magazine/health-wellbeing/treatments/smell-training-for-anosmia
Edit: if the down votes are because people think this is alternative medicine or woo, it isn’t, it’s a technique used in conventional medicine clinics. Try reading before you down vote.
From my time lurking in r/AskARussian I remember quite a lot of these types, convinced that Russia was a paradise of freedom and conservatism, and that moving there would be a piece of cake. What’s horrible about this couple is that they’ve quite possibly fucked up their children’s lives, especially once they get to military age.
This. My sister in law teaches and keeps all the letters she gets from her students. It’s stuff like that that keeps teachers going.
Your comment comes across as ignorant and flippant tbh. When treatment makes you so ill you’d rather die, a lot of people choose to stop treatment. If a lower dose can be effective, shouldn’t that be explored, so that people’s quality of life can improve and they are able to make it through to the end of treatment?
There’s nothing in that article about tea, why has the title been editorialised and why was tea included in it?
I woke up this morning, saw the news about Iran’s attacks, and went straight down a rabbit hole of looking up how to try and survive nuclear fallout. Short story is I’m probably fucked. But I’m legit getting a bad feeling about where we are heading.
I encountered the magic roundabout 25 years ago, just as a passenger, and I’m still mentally scarred.
I don’t know the origins of that term, but maybe ‘unconditional empathy’ would be a better way of thinking about it? Like, I will empathise with you even if you aren’t prepared to do the same, - and won’t be withdrawn if you don’t treat me with empathy.
He definitely played the long game.
They do, or at least have done. A guy I worked with a few years ago was ordained as an Anglican minister, and then converted to Catholicism and kept his wife.
Plenty of people have been spiked by a partner in exactly this way. It’s not a funny joke. Someone making this kind of joke and thinking it’s acceptable is shitty. Someone who’s a leading politician, in a job responsible for crime and justice, at a political function in a government venue, telling this joke to a group of women… The unacceptable is off the charts there. I seriously worry about someone with that lack of judgement and humanity being in a job like that. Criticising and holding people in power to account for their actions is not 'cancel culture '.
Read this as Hamas billionaire and was very confused.
Probably even better for OP if they have no money is the Olio app, where people give away free food (and non-food). It depends on activity in your local area, but in many areas there are people who regularly collect food from supermarkets at the end of the day to give away. I’ve given away portions of meals before when I’ve cooked too much to freeze it all.