Digital Foundry made a pretty convincing case that it’s running on current switch hardware: That being said, a cross-generation release wouldn’t be out of character for Nintendo.
Digital Foundry made a pretty convincing case that it’s running on current switch hardware: That being said, a cross-generation release wouldn’t be out of character for Nintendo.
Sony likes to pretend they’re consumer friendly with stuff like this but it always comes with a huge caveat to try to push people into their closed ecosystem. Same idea as releasing PS Studios games on PC, but only just before the PS exclusive sequel comes out.
No way! You’re sure it’s the same person from the post? If so, what a wild ride.
Y’all remember that post about the “science-based dragon MMO” that topped the gaming page of…that other site…? If not, I’ll include the title and image below, because it’s got the same energy as this post.
Dear internet, I’m a 26 year old lady who’s been developing a science-based, 100% dragon MMO for the last two years. I’m finally making my beta-website now, and using my 3D work as a base to create my 50+ concept images. Wish me luck, Reddit; You’ll be the first to see the site when it’s finished.
The comments were surprisingly constructive considering she basically pasted zsphere sketches over a generic background and announced she had been solo developing the most ambitious dragon fucking game the world has ever seen. It’s been 12 years, I wonder how she’s doing?
The word you’re looking for is omnivores
Which comes first, the progressive candidate or the progressive voter?
Aww man, why is the answer always “practice”? /s
To the contrary. It’s normally non-vegans making a big deal about it when they find out, asking the same questions, and attempting to debate.
Backwards compatible with 4k upscaling or gtfo
Christie will go right back to worshipping Trump when he gets the nomination.
FPS by mail
STAR voting for me, but I’d be thrilled about any of them over the first-past-the-post garbage we have now.