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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 2nd, 2023

  • Past atrocities does not justify today’s actions by another at the present time.

    I’m not saying that. I’m saying that holding America up as a standard and saying that we’re somehow better is hypocritical and dangerous because it helps to justify/overlook shit like what’s happening in Palestine rn, and I’m sick of the general mindset exactly because it has helped lead to the ignorance and complacency we see with a genocide that is fueled largely by American desire to retain influence in that region for capitalistic purposes, with no regard for human rights.

    Vietnam has a much longer historical animosity with China than the with the US.

    I mean yeah no shit, they’ve been at it for thousands of years lmao.

    And, as I’ve said elsewhere I was more getting at the human rights atrocities perpetrated by the US which still have great effect on Vietnam.

    I’m in no way trying to justify anything. Again, I’m just saying I’m sick of seeing people hold the US up as “hey look we’re better” because I really don’t know that we are. We care about human rights at home, to an extent, but we don’t give af who that affects in other parts of the world. Is that really better than China pretending to care about it’s citizens with communism while abusing their human rights and exercising insane governmental control over their lives?

    The US has been and continues to be the direct and indirect perpetrator of a lot of evils, and the more I learn about these things, the more I dislike seeing America characterized as a standard of morality, because it directly reflects propaganda which has allowed for many of these atrocities to happen.

  • Why don’t we ask South America, the Middle East, and Vietnam what they think about the US?

    but it’s clear which is the better option for many

    … American tax dollars are at this moment funding the genocide of Palestinians.

    EDIT to add: I should clarify I’m no CCP apologist, nor do I uplift China as an example of what we should strive for. But I also really get tired of seeing America put on a pedestal. America was built on genocide, slavery, and exploitation, I don’t see how it should ever be an example of how to do things better, BECAUSE that line of reasoning (“at least we’re better than them”) has been used to justify many of the horrors of our history.

    By using that bit of propaganda, you’re contributing to things like Americans looking the other way/enabling - for the past 75 years - genocide. It’s the same “they’re savages” shit that was used to justify literally the most savage acts against Native Americans.

    Our democracy also isn’t actual democracy. By definition, a democracy must represent the will of the people. Ours does not. It is already a failed democracy, and has been for my entire life. America also produces more propaganda than any other country. Do we have more personal freedoms in many areas than people in China? Absolutely. Are there many areas throughout society where I think America has pushed the world forward and made it a better place? Absolutely.

    But I’m getting really sick of seeing America compared to China just to say “we’re better”.

  • I’ve yet to get medicated. Last time I tried I had the wrong diagnosis and ended up in grippy socks, and I’m currently living by myself, so starting new meds is kinda frightening tbh.

    I did drink/smoke way too much as a coping mechanism, because yakno meds that help someone be able to function like a normal person are EVIL, but letting ur kid go undiagnosed and untreated is so fucking healthy for their long-term mental health.

    My parents also managed to fuck up my math track to put me a year behind, and when I found their error and tried to catch up, they didn’t support at all.

    Homeschool parents are [very often] imbeciles.

  • I’ll be honest I haven’t been on reddit much aside from a couple communities since the whole shutdown, but it’s not that surprising tbh. Reddit is a huge target for astroturfing, they don’t have good protections against it, and Israel invests A LOT into stuff like that.

    I also feel like anecdotally I’ve always felt like reddit was very pro-israel. I’ve been educated about many things because of reddit, but Palestine wasn’t one of them. (when I say educated about I don’t just mean reading comments, I actually do go to effort to read books etc., but often Reddit was a source of prompting for me to realize I needed to educate myself on something)

    But yeah, it’s so refreshing using Lemmy. Really reminds me of when I started using Reddit, but more mature.

  • So you’re just talking out your ass and presenting as fact.

    I asked for sources for your claim because I couldn’t find a single source saying it was Hamas, while multiple claimed Israel.

    I’m the one actually doing research and being responsible about how I discuss this topic. You presented as fact something you couldn’t provide a single source for. I said “there’s reports” and was able to provide a handful of reports when asked.

    I’ve read multiple books on the conflict, I know pretty detailed history going back to just prior to 1917. I don’t need a wikipedia article that goes back less than 20 years, thanks.

    iF yOu CaN, aLSo rEaD iN diFFeReNT lAnGuAGes

    How about if you can, don’t present complete bullshit as fact? For starters, at least. Then maybe you can get on some goofy-ass multilingual high horse 🤦‍♂️