I suppose that’s true. Good advice for HR I guess.
/u/clay_pigeon on Reddit
I suppose that’s true. Good advice for HR I guess.
Is it legal to discriminate against a felon if the felony was pardoned? Genuine question. They were found guilty but got off anyway. Similarly, would they still need to check YES on “have you been convicted of a felony” on forms?
I’ve seen a group b Audi Quattro go past during a historic rally. Really incredible sounds.
Huh. It comes in gallons?
Yeah, I looked around briefly but couldn’t find anything better. There must be one!
Here’s a list of foods that contain red dye 3. https://www.newsweek.com/list-red-dye-3-fda-food-drink-ban-2015450
I love his videos. They aren’t entertaining exactly, but they’re very informative. It’s clear he’s trying very hard to run impartial tests.
Reference to the “4am” username I guess.
It’s so good, I know!
down, apparently!
“Signal enterprises”?
Handsome guy and a good pic, but not very flattering trunks! Happy early birthday to him!
I’m not the person you were talking to, just chiming in to say you seem to be overreacting.
I would think that’d be pretty tough!
TL;DW: because they all use the only mechanism that is still in production. It’s not a good as the top of the line from 2000, but it’s way cheaper than rolling your own from scratch.
That’s tremendously cool; I had no idea these existed. Thank you very much for speaking up!
I guess it’s a bot or sock puppet; the account is only 8 hours old and all they’ve posted are links about Jill Stein.
First off this is only relevant to Defense Intelligence; it doesn’t cover deploying the 82nd airborne to shoot trump voters.
3.3 starts with “subject to paragraph 3.1” which describes the already-existing laws they are required to follow, such as Posse Comitatus. 3.3 also says anything that might potentially be lethal requires SecDef approval.
All of this is further restricted by DOD policy 5210.56 which has what seem to me are extremely sensible rules regarding use of force during investigative / law enforcement duties. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodd/521056p.PDF?ver=PIvIb3eht0obgolnD0UCEw%3D%3D
This document is replacing the previous policy from 1982 under president Reagan which is very similar but with less detail. https://www.esd.whs.mil/Portals/54/Documents/DD/issuances/dodm/524001r.pdf
None of this looks unusual or inflammatory to me. Would you rather the DOD NOT have written policies limiting the use of force?
There must be a huge variety of Indian accents given the large geographical area and bonkers number of people, but we (in America at least) only think of one stereotypical accent. I presume it annoys people to be lumped in with whichever group actually has that accent! Like Austrians probably don’t love that the only Austrian voice anybody knows is Arnold Schwarzenegger, who comes from a very rural area and has that accent, apparently.
Try not to hit your heads on that low ceiling! The place is a really cool shape. Congrats!