Hi, I like to learn about what resources are out there on the internet. I hope you have found my posts useful!

  • 7 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • The Patriot Act and Snowden’s leaks have shown companies will go against their privacy policy to appease governments. Search engines especially are targeted by five eyes with the PRISM program where copies of all your data, linked to your payment, are sent to Five Eyes and stored. Gag orders and legal threats prevent disclosure, as has been done with prior tech companies who have tried to push back against this.

    Be wary of trusting corporations with your data as monetization is a powerful incentive.

  • Valve is great! Private and non-profit organizations give me some hope for a better internet one day.

    Regarding Kagi, there are other potential concerns with privacy, data leaks and price gouging as well. The Patriot Act and Snowden’s leaks have shown that companies will lie in their privacy policy to appeal to authorities even if they claim they are not storing information. All your health related searches, sensitive personal details, private life, etc is also always linked to your payment method waiting for a potential data leak if they are lying. (Or a copy is just sent to five eyes)

    All that is to say, be wary of trusting your privacy to companies. Monetization is a powerful motivator!

  • I’m worried eventually even Kagi will get enshittified. It has been a common trend that almost always occurs. Open source is the only way to ensure stability. Conflict of interest is what leads to companies either overcharging, or even accepting to get bought out.

    Don’t get me wrong, Kagi seems to be a great company thus far! But for something as important as search it would be best to have an open source solution.

  • There was a response I left in the main comment thread but I’m not sure if you will get the notification. I wanted to post it again so you see it

    Response below

    Please feel free to ask any questions! Math is a wonderful field full of beauty but unfortunately almost all education systems fail to show this and instead makes it seem like raw robotic calculations instead of creativity.

    Math is best learned visually and with context to more abstract terms. 3Blue1Brown is the best resource in my opinion for this!

    Here’s a mindblowing fact for you along with a video from 3Blue1Brown. Imagine you are sliding a 1,000,000 kg box and slamming it into a 1 kg box on an ice surface with no friction. The 1 kg box hits a wall and bounces back to hit the 1,000,000 kg box again.

    The number of bounces that appear is the digits of Pi. Crazy right? Why would pi appear here? If you want to learn more here’s a video from the best math teacher in the world.
