What do you mean by “average number of pages”? Average over what?
What do you mean by “average number of pages”? Average over what?
The heat expands the brain and the raise of pressure against the skull induce criminal behavior. It’s scientifically proven.
do you see how easily you are manipulated with misinformation? That’s why people don’t stop talking stupid things about bitcoin. She doesn’t say that in any moment. She says higher highs and higher lows, which is true and doesn’t mean allways increasing.
One of the biggest misconceptions about bitcoin is that it’s a neoliberal/libertarian thing. Thinking this way only shows lack of understanding. A famous short video from the most respected bitcoin educator will make understand better. https://youtu.be/ywO0r_Fz0lc
And about the environmental concerns Lyn Alden has a post that deals with all the misinformation. If you are really interested take the time to read it, it’s exhaustive. https://www.lynalden.com/bitcoin-energy/
This video has seemingly no sources for its claims.
It’s just an introductory video. The references are in her book. I counted around 300.
Lyn Alden is part of “Ego Death Capital”, a venture capital company around cryptocurrencies (https://egodeath.capital/team)
Only Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not any crypto or altcoin, which I agree most are scams.
Lyn Alden is the Board Director of Swan Bitcoin - a Bitcoin investment platform (https://www.swanbitcoin.com/alden/) Lyn Alden is not an economist (https://www.lynalden.com/about-lyn-alden/)
Who are you expecting to make a video about the failure of the current system? A banker?
Bitcoin cannot be diluted (~27:25) REALITY CHECK: Bitcoin is always being diluted until it reaches its hard limit.
What she obviously means is that nobody can delute it. It creates new money at a mathematically determined rate.
The value of Bitcoin has only increased over time (~27:50) REALITY CHECK: The log scale is playing tricks. A linear graph would show how volatile Bitcoin has truly been.
She doesn’t say that. She says bigger highs and bigger lows, which is true. That doesn’t mean it always increases.
Bitcoin’s hard limit is likely very dangerous for the network (~29:00): Once the hard limit is reached, it is unclear if people will keep >pumping computing power at it. If the creation of new Bitcoin is no longer allowed, it is possible that transaction fees will need to >be raised to compensate miners.
Dont worry, it will happen in 2140.
And of course is Bitcoin propaganda, and more of this quality is needed.
Calling it crypto won’t make people understand. Watching the video will help people to understand, the why and the how. They don’t necessarily have to agree with the solution but the most important thing is understanding the problem because too many people are still unaware of it.
Recently I started playing chess and it came to my mind that it’s an impossible task for you.
Amazing but more usual that one might think, it’s the same anger you can see in people that identity themselves with some other fictions like religion, nationalism, football teams, ideology, race, etc. When watching a movie you kind of temporarily turn off your disbelief to experience joy, sadness, anxiety etc but when the movie is over the healthy behavior is the recognition that everything was an acting. But with the fictions that I just described somehow the disbelief is never turned on, the critical thinking is canceled.
That’s how he made the calculation, but it’s not what he said, because 5% of European jews each year it’s not the same as 5% of the initial European jews. The word initial is absent and in my view that make its numbers wrong. But yeah, may be I’m being too strict and most of you understood what he meant. By I think it’s misleading because it can give you the idea that in general if you have 60% in 12 years you can calculate the percentage for each year just by dividing by 12. And that is certainly wrong.
If you kill 5% of the population every year from 1933 to 1945, how much of the initial population >you end up killing?
This is the simple math problem you stated and the answer is 46%, not 60%. Nobody does the calculation the way you do. Or you think that a simple math problem has two contradictory answers? Show me a single example that someone does the calculation the way you do to answer such a problem, you have the whole internet. I accept my error if you find it.
That’s not how percentages work.
That’s correct.
Using a smartphone today is like buying a house and discovering that is full of cameras and microphones spying you. Would you accept thtat?
Haha… I wasn’t wrong when choosing lemmy.ml as my lemmy server 😉
Like a snail… slow but cool.