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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


  • There are multiple reasons for this. First of all due to the fact that a lot of infrastructure is based around cars society actively looses places for people to meet and hang out(I think this effect even has a name, but I’m not sure). Lack of places to interact with other people, and therefore lack of social interactions, causes a rise in loneliness. Then theres the problem with how men are supposed to act. We get told, that we shouldn’t “ask out” women in every day life, since its now considered creepy. For me this causes a certain type of being not sure where and when it is OK to ask someone out leading to me not doing it since I don’t want to get labeled as a creep. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t want to blame women for the male loneliness epidemic and there devinetively are a lot of men beeig creeps and asking someone out in absolutely the wrong situations, but this is something that needs to be said to understand the male loneliness epidemic. This also causes dating to take place online. Now the problem is, that online dating fucking sucks. Dating apps are useless, as long as you don’t want to sell your kidney to them, since they want you to keep using it. If dating apps were somewhat usefull they’d be out pf buisness quite fast.

  • Factorio is great. I don’t think Theres another game that sucked up so many hours so quick. I absolutely love it. It takes a shit load of time(my first world took 40 hours and didnt complete the game). I’m now starting a new world because of space age, and already have a lot of plans on how to improve my world to male it better(starting with currently building a blueprint for a mall and rushing to robots in order to not being forced to build everything by hand). Also, disabling biters is a very good thing to do. I don’t want to focus on fighting biters. I just want to see the factory grow.