But your honor! My highly convenient claim makes it so that I MUST kill children. Surely you agree?!
I dunno, the Fiona and Cake episodes just never resonated with me. I watched them the first time around but after that they were insta-skips. But like I said, I’m happy for the people who are excited because the world is one of the best ever and more adventures there are a good thing. I’ll give it a go for sure and hope to be pleasantly surprised
I feel really happy for the people who will enjoy this, but if I have to be honest my disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined
Also they sent a couple of official internal memos telling their soldiers to plz not genocide (lost among the flurry of not-to-be-taken-seriously official calls for genocide) so that proves they’re totally not genociding. Also, something something this court has no authority.