+1 to that!
+1 to that!
Can confirm, on voyager app, all images are tiny res
Swap to diff instance on same app, images are fine.
lol oh yeah, Biden’s red line is like 50 miles back in the rear view by now. Easy to forget when he keeps rushing them billions and billions of dollars, while US infrastructure falls apart at home due to climate disaster. Neat!
Maybe…to tell you the truth, I’m not sure if the Fairness Doctrine fits this world anymore. You’re right though, while the president can light the fire, it will ultimately be up to Congress to actually do something about it.
Right now corporate news agencies are just mouthpieces for our corporate overlords who buy all of the politicians in order to further enrich themselves at our expense. It’s literally robbing us on a national scale. The less facts people understand, the easier it is for them to pull the wool over our eyes and gaslight us into thinking this is a normal, acceptable situation. Clearly this is not sustainable.
We do need some kind of regulations for news to actually be considered news, and to serve as a mechanism to make them deliver factual, useful information to viewers. Not entirely sure what that would look like tbh.
Reagan’s FCC overturning the Fairness Doctrine in 1987 is to thank for this. He and Nixon oversaw an incredible amount of societal and governmental sabotage. Quite the legacy.
It’s so much worse now, with these corpo propaganda outlets pretending that both parties are legitimate political parties representing people and not just fundraising/grifting organizations.
Historically a ceasefire means to stop killing, and it is considered broken if hostilities resume.
Baking in the resumption of hostilities is essentially negotiating for peace in bad faith. This has been Netenyahu’s strategy from the start, because he knows an end to the war means an end to his reign of power.
Yep, this is good for Lemmy
To call Zelenskyy “President Putin” at that critical moment was offensive and totally unacceptable.
Calling Kamala “Vice President Trump” is kind of hilarious though.
Both of these together paint a troubling picture. Why is Biden confusing people who are supposed to be his closest allies with those who are considered to be his bitter rivals? This was supposed to be his big press conference where he proves he’s still mentally fit to be president, and he totally blew it. Somebody get him outta there, Biden isn’t fit to be president and the sooner we can admit that and move on the better it will be for this country. The gaslighting in full denial of this is incredibly dangerous, and likely driven by whoever it is that’s actually in charge and wants to stay that way (all signs point to Jill Biden, who last I checked was not elected president.)
Apparently Biden has not had a full cabinet meeting since last year. These are the people who can invoke 25th amendment on him, and it’s looking extremely suspicious all of a sudden that he’s been avoiding them, and for such an insanely long period of time too!
For those of us who have had to support an elder family member through times of mental decline, the condition is extremely apparent now, and the administration can no longer hide it. Elders often resist or get angry when confronted about necessary changes, but it’s for their own good. In this case, it’s also so we can ward off a fascist takeover of the US. Come on dem leadership, it’s time to actually be the adults in the room and handle this.
Trump’s the perfect figurehead for MAGA, why should he drop out?
Hey man, under Biden we defeated Medicare. Mission Accomplished.
Biden’s people have an interest in keeping their jobs for the next 4 years, let’s be real here.
Been working great for me for years! You do need to take care when setting up for a stable and consistent experience, but their docs are pretty thorough and regularly updated.
Israel is ASSHOLE!
Seems they instructed the corpo media talking heads to paint FISA as something good that republicans are obstructing. Thus manufacturing consent for our constitutional right to privacy to be violated even more egregiously.
Classic Democrat maneuvre. Watch, they’ll also remove the filibuster right before getting voted out of office.
Pretty sure they meant to say Warcraft 3 was the last good blizz game.
Yeah that’s basically how leaps work. In this Calls example, you aren’t really betting that on expiry the stock will be near or slightly above the target price. You’re betting that sometime in the next 3 years, the price will be above the option price, or at least ahead of the expected rate of growth. Then you cash out on the additional extrinsic value at that point in time by selling the option.
The establishment politicians in DC have been absolutely chomping at the bit for war with Iran ever since Trump reneged on the nuclear deal. This is really dumb because unlike Iraq/Afghanistan, Iran is a big country with a serious military backing it. We would need material allied support in such a conflict, and Biden’s “ironclad” stance on Israel has burned bridges rapidly across the globe. If this is the basis for a new war, I suspect it will cause a massive political rift.
Back down you old fools. If it goes hot, GenZ will not be signing up to save your asses with boots on the ground.
Biden has circumvented his own Congress on numerous occasions throughout the past year to enable the Israeli genocide of Palestinians to the maximum degree possible - to the detriment of American citizens presently going without food, shelter or healthcare. Biden pushed for us to engage in the forever war in Afghanistan and Iraq and helped to ensure we stayed entrenched there for decades. Biden is an absolute war monger who will stop at nothing to further enrich American military contractors and arms dealers - he’s made his whole career about it. This move should not be considered shocking by anyone with half a clue.