I’ve got 1 dream check, that’s fairly reliable, when I need it. I check my back pocket for “heavy weapons”. Basically, think cartoon “hammer space”. It’s an almost unnoticeable check when awake, that doesn’t do anything. In a dream state however, an ak47, or a bazooka is to hand.
This is particularly effective against nightmares. My subconscious happily accepts that I can pull whatever cartoon doodad I need out of my back pocket. This let’s me jam nightmares. I’ve not had one since I trained myself to do this a couple of decades back.
The 1 trick to note, you need to “believe” on some level that it will work. It’s akin to accepting a film. You know they are just actors and CGI, but you accept it as real. This belief gives it power in your dreams.
The book makes it make a lot more sense. He actually reasons through what he is doing, and why. The line “I’m going g to science the shit out of it” is practically the mantra, and demonstrated again and again.
The film basically takes this and strips out all the ‘boring science’ stuff. What’s left, while still a good film, is a shadow of the source material.