just an annoying weed 😭

  • 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: March 2nd, 2024


  • Spaghetti is pretty popular, maybe pasta and pre-made / canned pasta sauces would be welcome additions? I wouldn’t overthink the nutrition, focusing on what is desirable / pleasurable is more relevant esp. with how fortified foods are these days. Maybe canned chili, boxed mac-and-cheese, hamburger helper, and other easy and tasty meals would work? Honestly I would just ask the people there what they like to eat and then stock that, if possible 😅

  • CW: self-harm

    I enjoyed self-harming and feeling pain when I was dissociating a lot, I think there are clearly examples where people inflict pain on themselves for non-sexual and non-religious (i.e. not for punitive / atoning) reasons. Besides some kinds of self-harm, eating spicy food seems like a clear example of this. Pain releases endorphins, you can get high on pain. For what it’s worth, I also have enjoyed every physical trauma I have experienced (being hit by a car, being thrown over the handlebars of my bicycle at speed and my face hitting the asphalt first, etc.).

  • Since I transitioned I’ve been thinking a lot about how little I knew about trans people until I realized I was one and then took much more seriously educating myself.

    It makes me feel ashamed because of how little I understand so many other oppressed groups, and how little true empathy I have. Even if on the surface I have respect for people and consider myself an “ally” to various groups, I feel I should do more than just signal respect and support. Maybe it’s an unrealistically high bar, but my conscience certainly thinks I need to do more to empathize with and better understand other groups.

    I can’t help but feel my default tendency is towards a kind of accidental tribalism - I understand perspectives I choose to engage with and understand and this results in a cultural cloistering, an accidental in-and-out-grouping because of how I naturally do or don’t understand someone’s life experience based on my own. Unless I go out of my way to do a lot of work to understand other perspectives, I otherwise won’t be likely to do that.