Stop saying that, it has it’s uses /;_;\
Just use the paint, internet person
$2000 per month is just fucking ridiculous if you’re not mortgaging it.
Oh nice, someone created a JavaScript-heavy website based on >100MB boilerplate to compose something that could well be made of a single HTML document.
I saw a full clip on reddit. First time was just as bad, because he did it spontaneously, with no “throwing hearts”. He just heiled out of nowhere.
Yes it had, and that legion even stormed the fucking capitol.
This only proves that two-party system is just an authoritarianism with rotation. There’s always a ruling majority and the winner takes all.
Things would be different with at least the third party. 2 out of 3 parties would agree that the party no.3 is a fucking malice and rule him out.
The army or the police should immediately jump in and arrest Elon after the second salute, when it became obvious the guy knew what he was doing. And yet he saluted 3 times and half the country is extremely enthusiastic about that.
So you actually need majority to PREVENT the collapse of democracy, and if you don’t have it, you’re fucked? How the fuck did this country even manage not to succumb into dictatorship for such a long time?
Yeah, he’s not even likely to annex Austria in a foreseeable future. And he doesn’t seem to have claims on Sudetenland either.
So no, not a nazi, nuh uh, nazism is only when perfectly replaying the Third Reich mission.
This is what that indian kid would write on facebook after his first programming course lesson, to show off career choice
I basically grew up with Altair’s and Ezio’s AC. Had a hard time getting into AC3, but when it clicked - it clicked. Black Flag was the shit, I reached 100% twice, which is a big deal for me.
The new ACs (Origin and forth) just don’t do it for me. It feels extremely cheap and overwhelming at the time. The scope of these games is so gargantuan, and it’s too much for their own good. These games are just clunky, imbalanced, and extremely unpolished.
Actually they’ve all been replaced by 🤡
It’s the opposite, everything is passed by reference but primitives are also addresses and therefore passed by value
You can’t pass objects or functions as value
This is an authentic message for when you open a php project
It may not be the fastest solution, or the most reliable, or the most maintainable, but it certainly would best accommodate our investors’ needs!
Been there, done that. Everyday would start with a 2 hour session of meetings. Daily for 30mins and then 1.5h of refinement. Day by day, for 2 years of me being there.
It, without an ounce of irony, leaves a fucking scar on you and makes you despise having meeting for the rest of your life.
Because it doesn’t seem like a useful feature. The only occasion I imagine this could be helpful is with logging to the console to track when the function breaks, but even then - still trivial to replace.
I had tried to use debugger with React so many times and each time I’d drop it soon after. Not useful at all.
Does much better job on the backend though
I don’t get it