It felt odd, marketed as a female movie, It had a female lead, women that talk to other women, but half way through I commented to my partner that this feels like a movie about Ken.
My only take away as a dirty male is I can t wait to see it again for Ken, but when it’s streaming.
From memory of a video saw on the topic, in the district where it was lodged there is only a list of 7 judges to pick from in florida. But it gets narrowed down to two for various reasons (security clearance?), and it turns out the other judge is busy or on holidays.
Edit: this legal Eagle video covers a bit of the selection TL;DW: “random” from list of 7 judges but cannon has one of the highest chances of getting the case.
Badly worded, my main take away to see it again, I do see past Ken. And like you say, if you’re witnessing people saying that Ken made the movie then that’s the exact problem I’m conveying.