What do you think the definition of third world is?
What do you think the definition of third world is?
If sealed properly the flavour of whiskey is extremely resilient so I think you are spot on about it being a way to experience whiskey history.
I would absolutely love to taste some of this stuff…the idea of tasting something from back then is very exciting.
I also expect you are correct in that wouldn’t taste as good as a modern whiskey.
The hunger is what the billions pay for.
He’s not talking in general terms, he’s talking about the Gretta hate train on Reddit, and I for one agree with him.
Even at work grown ass men getting all fucking butt hurt over her fighting to make the world a better place. Disagree with her all you want, even disagree with her methods, but this fucking persecution complex because someone young (and let’s be honest, female) dares to try to make a change is just so pathetic.
I clicked that link and it brought me to a sign-up page, so Corey’s story checks out.
Currently as one becomes 18 it becomes legal to buy tobacco products. Banning for future generations means that this stops being the case and nobody currently under 18 will gain the right to do so on their 18th birthday.
I can’t imagine this being legally sound - that some citizens have the right to decide for themselves whether to smoke but others don’t.
Failing at damage control, I would say.