Hell yeah
Hell yeah
Biden has never supported any leftist policies. Why would he start now?
Merry Christmas you filthy animals.
Haven’t seen anyone mention the biggest deal breaker with these for me. The thermal and dust management is truly awful. They tend to overheat and collect dust super easily. You’re lucky if you get 4 years out of these things before they burn themselves out. And guess what? Barely repairable to boot.
Baldur’s Gate 3 was a true early access title and it was a massive hit when hit 1.0
I’ve been using LibreWolf for a while now. Seems to receive updates from upstream faster than any other fork. Working quite well for me.
They’re not the same. They’re just different shades of shit.
I completely disagree with it being shit, but your complaints still have some merit. I just think the end product overcomes those flaws by a mile.
Fans routinely asked that no one make a Blade Runner sequel too. Sometimes fans don’t know what they’re talking about.
The more I learn about the sun, the more I realize those ancient civilizations who worshipped it got it right. Look at that thing it’s fucking huge, scary, and it’s like right there.
That’s one happy looking camel.
I’ll look into it thanks. I ran the apt command on Debian and was intimidated by how many dependencies were required. Might try it on a test machine first.
Microsoft Wireless All-In-One Media Keyboard that I bought almost 8 years ago lol. Thing is a trooper, but it’s definitely annoying having such a large object in my living room. I’m using GNOME so I’m not sure if KDE Connect would work for me. I wouldn’t mind a smartphone solution if it worked reliably though.
Thought about it but there’s really not too many companies that make these. All from cheap Chinese no name brands. What one do you have? I’m open to recommendations.
Remote. It was the Rii K06 Mini Bluetooth Keyboard from Amazon. Only like $27 but I just don’t like creating that much ewaste. The battery in it still worked perfectly fine. The keys just started glitching out. Tried on several different computers all did the same thing. I kept it clean wasn’t any liquid or anything sticky on it. Even when I hit a button on the circuit board with it all taken apart it did the same thing.
I bought one of those and it died in like a year. Took it apart to see if it could be fixed. The whole thing is just one big circuit board. No parts to replace. Ended up just chucking it and probably won’t buy another one.
Wait, flatpak works on PostMarketOS?
Tell that to Google Chrome
I love FireFox and I love my iPhone, but the iOS FireFox app is objectively terrible. I realize that fact is completely Apple’s fault though.
Mastodon has to be one of the most heavily moderated social media apps I’ve ever used. I’m sure it depends on the instance, but that’s kind of the nature of open source. Anyone can use the technology to post what they want. That’s why defederation exists. In what way would you want it to be even more moderated?